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ricky opened the door yet again for her, letting her settle into his car, while he swallowed nerves. he didn't specify whether it was a date, after all, they were just two friends hanging out on a late friday night. 

"so missy, have you eaten yet because i was thinking-" he got cut off by the brunette who seemed very cheerful and happy. 

"burgers and fries!!!!" he hadn't even though about what to eat, and he was just about to ask her, but i guess her excitement answered for her.  her smile was back and he couldn't be more grateful. he wanted to keep that gloss in her eyes and the smile plastered in her face. he felt an indescribable feeling in the pit of his stomach. he felt whole if she was happy then it's the only thing in the world that mattered. 

her laugh intoxicated him, small giggles followed by happy teary eyes. it was all he needed and it felt good. she was happily blasting her music, and her sweet voice filled the dark night. he kept driving, looking for the closest in and out drive-thru. 

on the other hand, she felt in cloud 9. in a matter of minutes, all her worries had vanished, emma, her moms, test scores, the future. this was the moment when she felt more alive, for once, she wasn't surviving, she was living. 

everything felt right, both lost in their little world, where no one mattered but them. 

ricky paid for their food and they were both parked in the in and out parking lot. if felt a little surreal, to be honest, but it felt right. under the moon and the starry sky. 

they were both laughing at each other and just enjoying each other company. ricky stole her fries, she got mad, then she picked two and it went on. they finally finished their food and decided to get milkshakes, vanilla for her, chocolate for him. 

"ricky- um- i was, wondering-," nini tilted her head avoiding eye contact as he settled back in his seat. they had claimed their milkshakes and didn't have a plan to follow. "how about we go to the park, and we just i don't know, hang out?" she tried hiding her tinted cheeks. but quickly, a huge smile appeared in ricky' s face. 

he laughed, he was going to propose the same thing but yet again, she was always a few steps ahead. he looked for something behind his seat. and to nini's surprise, it was a cute blanket folded up. her blush disappear and her smile adorned her face again. 

"well, look at that, i had the same thing planned," ricky laughed and quickly buckled back his seatbelt and started driving towards the little park near her neighborhood. 

nini got out excitedly with the two milkshakes in hand, while ricky started setting up the blanket in the grass. they both sat down and started eating their sweets. 

"thank you ricky, seriously, means a lot," nini looked at him she was more grateful than she could express. he just made her happy and made this town bearable.

he just smiled shyly, not wanting to show how happy he was. "you know, i had always thought this town was full of empty meaningless people, but you've clearly proven the contrary," 

ricky felt butterflies in his stomach, this couldn't be happening right now. "oh don't, you know there's way better outside this little town," 

"yeah, i know, that's why i've always wanted to escape, but somehow, you just make this town seem fun," a small silence grew upon the two. and feelings kept left unsaid. 

then a loud laugh filled the atmosphere. nini couldn't stop laughing. "what! nini! what's going on!" he kept asking the girl who looked a little too happy for his liking. 

"oh my god bowen, gosh-" she kept laughing. "you have milkshake all over your face silly," then he realized seconds ago all the cream sitting at the top of the drink was now in his face. he tried to clean it up but soon realized he was just making it worse. 

nini got a little closer, now looking straight to his eyes. "here, stop it, you psyco, let me help," and without further announcement, nini started to remove the chocolate cream with her extra napkin. then she realized how close they were. 

he looked good, his sharp jawline defined his face, and the small curls framing his face suddenly became attractive.  he looked at her lips, small yet shining with the remaining of her vanilla milkshake. 

their lips could've touched, a few inches, and they would've found each other. 

but nini pulled away before it was too late. "there, all clean," she went back to her spot, hiding again the light blush that crept to her face. 

they ended up laying down looking at the stars, both lost in their thoughts and enjoying their company. then, she felt their hands touching, and then their fingers starting meeting each other, one by one. they fit, they always had. 

"it's beautiful isn't," she said referring to the stars above. 

"yeah, it is" but he wasn't looking to the stars, he was looking at her.  

bittersweet • rini auWhere stories live. Discover now