Chapter 8

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Emma's POV

I wake up to the alarm I set and I groan. I'm so sleepy. I get up and shower quickly. I leave my hair wavy and down. I don't care. Brush my teeth and then get dressed. Black shirt with white stripes and it's a bit big. I put a black looney tunes hoodie in my backpack and put on blue ripped jeans. It has a good amount of rips. White van socks and white slip on vans. I put a chain on that David got me last Christmas and then grab my bag and phone. I get my keys off my nightstand and then head downstairs.

"Wow you're up early."

"I'm picking up Regina for breakfast."

"It's early Em. This is the first time I've seen you awake this early since you've lived here."

"Shut up." I say and they smile. Mary kisses my head and then David hugs me and I leave.

"Bye love you sweetie."

"Love you kid."

"Love you guys too." I say without thinking and I head out. Shit I've got no school today. I groan and drive to Regina's house. I park on the side of the road and I get out. I knock and Henry opens the door.

"Regina is in her room. You look tired."

"I'm not normally up early but since my fight yesterday I am suspended and I wanted to see Regina before school and drop her off."

"You two are adorable."

"What fight?" Mrs Mills asks walking down the stairs. I blush a little.

"The one with Robin and they suspended me until Wednesday."

"Aw that sucks. Did you press charges against that Robin boy for hitting you?"

"Nah I'm okay. He looks worse and he learned his lesson. He got beat up by a girl." They both laugh and then I head upstairs. I open the door and I don't see Regina in her room. I go further into the room to see her in her bathroom. I slip in behind her and wrap my arms around her.


"Hi Em." I kiss her exposed shoulder. She's wearing black jeans and a red off the shoulder blouse. Red is definitely my favorite color on her. Who am I kidding, every color is my favorite on her. She always looks good. She's curling her hair. Once she's done and puts the stuff away. I'm still clinging to her. She turns and checks my lip and cheek.

"I'm fine Regina." I say and she pouts.

"No you're not."

"I am don't worry about me." I grab her hand pulling them down from my face.

"I worry because I care Em." She says softly.

"And you're too cute but I'm okay. I promise."

"You're cuter."

"Mhm I beg to differ." I say and she giggles shaking her head. We head outside saying bye to her parents and we get into the car. I put my hand on her thigh.

"You look pretty." I tell her and she blushes.

"Thank you. You look nice as well." She says and then she leans over and presses her lips onto my cheek. God she's so fucking cute. I hit my puff as I pull out and I create some O's for the fun of it. I inhale through my nose and then pull off. I set my hand back onto her thigh as I drive.

"What will you be doing today?"

"Nothing. Sleeping probably."

"I wish I could spend today with you."

"You're cute but I'll be fine." She pouts and I kiss her nose. We get to Granny's and I get her door of course. She blushes adorably and we go inside and find a booth near the back. We face the door and I switch hands to hold with her. She moves her right leg over my left leg and I drop out hands and grab her leg pulling her closer.

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