Chapter 23

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Emma's POV

Today we are going to our first ultra sound. She's about six weeks pregnant. We go back to school tomorrow. Break is just about over. And our three months is in like two weeks. I've been looking for apartments. I've found some. My parents said they would be paying half of it since I am trying to save for my child I'll be having. I have a savings account for the little peanut for clothes and food and all the shit we will have to buy. I plan to ask Regina to move in with me but I need to get accepted into the place first. Storybrooke Maine has pretty cheap apartments like everything here is cheap. Like food and stuff my ent would be 984 almost a thousand. For a two bed two bath. It's decent and very nice for a thousand a month. My parents are paying 6 hundred of it. Cora and Henry want to help as well because they know I want Regina to move with me but I can do 4 something. I make enough and I've been working a bit. I also can save. The station pays well. So I'm good. I park at the doctors office. We are going to see her doctor. She trusts him and he could also delivery her baby so she wants him to in August when it's time. I'm so excited. We are finding out the exact due date in a few weeks. I'm not sure when. I hold her hand as we walk into the office. She signs the papers and we wait.

"You ready?" I ask.

"I'm nervous. I don't know why." I kiss her head and the door opens.

"Regina Mills." We stand and follow him into the back. He does his normal checkup. Like asking her if she's smoking or drinking. About how well she's eating if she's depressed and checking her breathing and her ears and stuff. I sit in the chair next to the table she's sitting on. He brings in the thing they use and I stand and grab her hand. I kiss it softly.

"You must be the girlfriend and father well mother." He says.

"I am. Emma Swan. Nice to meet you." We shake hand and he smiles. I look at my girl and she smiles up at me.

"It's going to be a bit cold and I have to lift your shirt." Regina nods and he lifts it to just a bit under her breasts and puts the tick on her stomach. We both look at the screen seeing not much.

"He or she is the size of a sweet pea. Look at that." He says and I smile.

"So cute." Regina giggles.

"You can't see our baby."

"Oh come on you're the baby's mother. He or she will he gorgeous."

"I hope they inherit your kindness. You're so wonderful mi amor." Regina says and I kiss her quickly.

"Would you like a picture?"

"Yes please."

"How mantel

"Four." We both say and we laugh. He nods cleaning her stomach and then leaving the print the pictures. I set my hand on her stomach. I rub it and kiss it sweetly.

"I love you sweet pea." I say kissing her stomach.

"You guys are cute." I turn to see the doctor and I blush a bit.

"Here's your photos. You're ready to go." She hands four two us and I get two. Regina gets two. We head out and we stop at Granny's and get food. We eat on the way back to my house and I see my mom is home.

"Hi mom." I say walking in. She hugs me and then hugs Regina.

"What are you girls up to?"

"First doctors appointment." I say handing her the ultrasound picture."

"Aww he or she is so cute!"

"Emma said the same thing. I don't get how it's cute."

"Our little sweet pea." Regina giggles and we go upstairs to my room. Regina is tired so once she's done eating she lays on my chest and takes a nap. I go on my laptop checking my emails and I smile seeing one from the apartment complex. Yes!

Town Place Apartments
To You

From: Town Place
Date: Sun, Jan 5, 2018, 10:27 AM
Subject: Application Approval


This is Janice from Town Place. We spoke a few days ago when you sent in your application and all your paperwork and bank statements.

We are happy to say you've been approved to move in Jan 11th 2018. You can start this week if you would like but your official move in date is the 11th. We are so happy for you to choose Town Place as your place to stay. Call me if you need anything or email me.

I smile and look around. I should start packing. I put my laptop down on my nightstand and I kiss Regina's head before moving her off my chest. I kiss her again and cover in a blanket. I go downstairs.

"They approved me to move in the 11th mom!"

"Oh goodness. Emma congrats!"

"Thank you."

"The boxes are in the storage room." I kiss her cheek and go to grab them. I grab as much as I can hold. I start packing stuff I won't need. I pick out my outfit for the whole week starting tomorrow and some comfy clothes before boxing them up and I get hot quickly from moving stuff. I take off my shirt now in a sport bra and some sweats that I change into. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and I take the boxes and write on them what they are. I put my photos of Regina and I in the boxes carefully and label it. 'My babygirl photos' I smile and move the boxes. I clean up a bit and start getting stuff I don't need from the bathroom leaving it open so I can put them in when I am going to the apartment. I go back into the room and pick up a box stacking it on top.

"Em?" I turn to see Regina.

"Hi beautiful. You awake now?" She shakes her head and I giggle moving towards her. I rub her back and she sighs.

"Why am I not in your arms?" She asks playfully with a small pout on her plump lips.

"I am packing."

"Where are you going?"

"Hopefully our apartment." She seems more awake now.


"I got accepted to move in. I told them my girlfriend might be coming with me and they have no problem with it."

"Is this a joke?"

"Nope. I talked to your parents already. They said it's a nice idea. I've yet to show anyone the place but maybe after school this week."

"You want me to live with you?" She asks.

"Yes. Us and our baby." I say and she smiles.


"It's a two bed. Two bath."

"I would love to live with you Em."


"You're packing?"

"I can move in this week. My dad has a bed in his truck already. I have to build so we can bring it today and then our clothes so we can stay tonight."


"Yep. Come on. Let's put these boxes into my dads truck and back seat. As well as some clothes. Thank god he left me the truck." She giggles and helps me. We put all the stuff into the truck and then the back. We still ha e a lot of room. We need a TV and a dressed and stuff like that. We will get. Both of our parents will be helping a lot. Thank god. I have some saved up but Cora and Henry just wrote me a check. My dad and mom transferred money into my account and they both told me to get stuff for my house. I already got the king sized bed and two night stands. It's all white because I know Regina. I get to her house and we go inside. Time to pack.

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