Genre: Anime
Brave Exkaiser, sometimes translated as Brave Exkaizer or Brave Fighter Exkizer, is a Japanese animated television series that began in 1990, created by Takara and Sunrise under the direction of Katsuyoshi Yatabe, and is the first of the long running Yuusha or "Brave" metaseries.
Gatherway- (Hidemi Miura)
Recommended by: GearChaserZeroOne
Side note: This song is pretty neat, I never watch the anime. I could but 90s anime give me headache for some reason.
Anyway, enjoy!
Music Recommendations
RandomHello, it's Sorablu12 here, I'm here with new book, it's called music Recommendations, for music lovers. We all have different taste in music, as for me, my taste is little bit all over place. So, I thought, why not give you guys taste of my own m...