Genre: Anime OST
Buddy Complex (バディ・コンプレックス, Badi Konpurekkusu) is a Japanese mecha anime television series produced by Sunrise. The series aired between January 5, 2014 and March 30, 2014. The first episode was pre-aired on December 29, 2013. A manga adaptation began serialization in ASCII Media Works' Dengeki Daioh from January 27, 2014. A 2-part sequel aired on September 29 and 30, 2014.
Recommended by: GearChaserZeroOne
Side note: Another great OST. I'm about to check this anime out when I can. though, I got lot of mix views on it. Half people said it's not worth it, skip it. Other half is like, oh go for it! You're in for rollercoaster! So, i'm debating about it. Anyway enjoy the OST
Music Recommendations
SonstigesHello, it's Sorablu12 here, I'm here with new book, it's called music Recommendations, for music lovers. We all have different taste in music, as for me, my taste is little bit all over place. So, I thought, why not give you guys taste of my own m...