Genre: Japanese animated series
Personal Genre: Inspiration/UpliftingSSSS Gridman (stylized as SSSS.GRIDMAN) is a Japanese anime television adaptation of the 1993-1994 tokusatsu series Gridman the Hyper Agent. The production is a joint collaboration between Tsuburaya Productions, the production company behind Gridman and the Ultra Series, and Studio Trigger. The two production companies previously collaborated on the Denkou Choujin Gridman: boys invent great hero short original net animation for the Japan Animator Expo. The "SSSS" in the title stands for "Special Signature to Save a Soul" as revealed in the final episode. It is also a reference to Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad, a US adaptation of Gridman the Hyper Agent. The series premiered on October 7 and ended on December 23, 2018.
The story focuses on Yūta Hibiki, an amnesiac first-year high school student living in the fictional Japanese city of Tsutsujidai. He meets the Hyper Agent Gridman in an old computer, who stated that the boy has a mission he must fulfill, as he sets out to find the meaning to those words and his memory loss. The sudden appearance of Kaiju would eventually change the usual dynamics of Yūta and his classmates. Yūta is able to merge with Gridman to fight kaiju, but after the kaiju attacks, people's memories are reset and those who die are forgotten. As the "Gridman Alliance", Yūta and his friends now seek to stop the kaiju and uncover the truth behind the disappearances, with assistance from mysterious friends of Gridman that can transform into weapons Gridman can use in combat.Recommended by:GearChaserZeroOne
Music Recommendations
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