chapter thirty-four • the new normal

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"People should find happiness in the little things, like family."
- Amanda Bynes


I stare at the black and white ultrasound photo. At sixteen weeks, Alyx's baby is starting to look more like a baby and less like an alien with a giant head.

"It's crazy how that's inside you," I murmur, shifting my gaze from the picture in my hand to Alyx's still flat stomach. She doesn't look pregnant, but the doctor's appointment I just took her to proved otherwise.

"Right? Like, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it," the redhead replies.

"Wanna grab coffee before we head back?" I ask, taking the keys to Dad's BMW out of my pocket and unlocking the car. I open Alyx's door for her and then climb into the driver's seat.

"Can't have caffeine, remember?" She smiles at her miniscule baby bump. "You know, I don't know which I miss more: my morning latte or my evening glass of wine."

Chuckling to myself, I start the car and begin driving home. It's almost five o'clock, and Mom is preparing dinner for everyone. And by everyone, I mean everyone—with one obvious exception, of course.

Since Gemma and I came forward about Benson, no one in our family has spoken to him. He sold his condo and moved to the Big Apple, where he'll hopefully never bother us again. While I'm relieved that he's eight-hundred miles away from me and the people I love, there's a part of me that feels like he got off easy. He has a second chance to start over in a new city. Meanwhile, Raelyn is still buried six feet under. Where the hell is her second chance?

I try not to dwell on it as I turn onto our road and pull down the driveway. Gemma's Nissan is parked alongside the curb. I'm not surprised that she's already here. Since that momentous Tuesday morning, she's come over almost everyday. She's been worried about all of us, especially me. I keep reassuring her that I'm okay, that I feel better than I've felt in years, but she still has her doubts.

Alyx and I get out of the car and head inside. The aroma of Mom's homemade chicken and broccoli alfredo fills my nostrils and makes me salivate. I spot a tray of golden-brown garlic bread resting on the counter, and my stomach lets out a hungry growl. I didn't realize how ravenous I was until I smelled food.

"You're home!" Mom pulls her raven hair into a low ponytail before throwing her arms around my neck. You'd think she hadn't seen me in years. In actuality, it's been two hours.

"I'm home, Mom," I say with a chuckle.

She turns to Alyx. "And how are you, sweetheart? How was your appointment?"

"Great! Baby and I are both healthy," Alyx answers, retrieving the ultrasound photo from her purse. "Um, I asked for extra copies. I thought you and Mr. Beaufort might want one. If not, that's, like, totally fine, but—"

"Of course we want one!" Mom exclaims, practically ripping the paper out of her hand. "Oh, look at my sweet grandbaby. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?"

"Not yet. That's next month's appointment."

"I can't wait to find out! Geoffrey and I are dying to go shopping."

"Me, too," Alyx concurs, brushing a strand of crimson hair out of her face.

"By the way, sweetie," my mom adds, "'Mr. Beaufort' is my father-in-law. Just call us Geoffrey and Calista, okay? We're family now."

Alyx really has become a member of the family. She was a wreck after Benson's departure. We learned that she had a rocky relationship with her own parents, and without Benson, she had no one. Of course, Mom and Dad quickly took her under their parental wing. They vowed to support her however she needed. Even if Benson is gone for good, they still care about Alyx, and they're still really excited to be grandparents.

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