Lessons in Bravery

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Geppetto was working late one night in the shop building a new music box when he saw Pinocchio standing in the workshop. Pinocchio stood still holding his cricket plush doll close to him in his left arm.

"Pinocchio, I thought I put you to bed an hour ago. What are you doing up?"

"I no wanna go to bed."

"Pinocchio, go to bed."

"No!" Pinocchio whined and cried.

"Pinocchio, it's past your bedtime, I need you to go back to bed and we'll play in the morning."

"No. I no wanna."

"Pinocchio why are you not wanting to go to bed? You better tell me right now."

"There's a monster under my bed! He gonna eat me!"

Geppetto picked up Pinocchio and carried him to his room and looked under the bed.

"Look, see? No monster. Now go to sleep."

Pinocchio would not go to sleep and grabbed on Geppetto's leg.

"Daddy, I don't wanna. Can I sleep with you tonight? Pleeease!"

"No, Pinocchio. I have a lot of work I need to get done tonight."

"But the monsters are gonna come out and eat me! I don't wanna be eaten by heffalumps and woozles!"

Geppetto put Pinocchio back in the bed and tried to console him.

"Pinocchio, I get it. The story I read you from your book the other night must've been giving you nightmares. But it's all make believe."

"Make believe?" Asked the confused 3 year old still feeling afraid.

"Pinocchio, look," Geppetto answered. " terrifying beasts and creatures who pray on happiness and innocent little boys aren't real. They're all just figments of your imagination. There's nothing to be afraid of."


"I promise, son. There are no monsters that are gonna come out from under your bed and eat you."

Suddenly, Pinocchio saw something move under his sheets and let out a blood curling scream. Figaro meowed loudly in fright coming from underneath the sheets and then hid back under. Geppetto lifted the sheet up to reveal the little kitten cowering in fright.

"Oh, Pinocchio. It's just Figaro. Look, you frightened him. Sorry, Figaro. But Pinocchio is feeling really scared of monsters right now."

Figaro walked his way up to Pinocchio and cuddled with the boy.

"See? There are no monsters. It's OK to be scared sometimes. Sometimes even daddy gets scared of things. The important thing is that you can't let that fear take control of you. I know you're only 3, but I'll protect and keep you safe from danger. There is one monster that's real, but you don't have to be afraid of him as long as you don't let your guard down."

Pinocchio looked worried.

"What monster is that?"

Geppetto let out a grin and replied, "Well, that would be...the TICKLE MONSTER!!!!"

Geppetto suddenly grabbed Pinocchio and started tickling him causing Pinocchio to laugh uncontrollably.

"Hahahahaha! Daddy, stop it! That tickles!"

After a short tickle fight, Geppetto finally got Pinocchio to settle down.

"Now, lie down, close your eyes and go to sleep. There's no monster under your bed," Geppetto calmly explained.

"Just remember, sometimes, being afraid is a natural thing. But never let it stop you from being yourself. Bravery can always make a difference. When you grow up, if you lack bravery, people tend to not take you seriously. Just look at me, I'm not scared of anything. I'm your daddy, and you're MY son. If I can be brave you can too."

As Pinocchio fell asleep listening to this, Geppetto gave him a small kiss on the forehead. Sometime afterwards, Pinocchio was too scared to sleep one night during a thunderstorm. So Geppetto let Pinocchio sleep in his bed with him for the night.

"Daddy, will you always be here for me?"

"Yes, Pinocchio. Always. I promise, son," Geppetto replied as he held Pinocchio close to him.

It was sometime later, around midsummer one morning when Pinocchio in his bed was snoozing as Geppetto walked in.

"Wake up, Pinocchio. Wake up."

Pinocchio opened his eyes to see Geppetto standing over him.

"Good morning, Pinocchio. Want to go out today? Out to the meadows, near the old forest and have a picnic, maybe?"

"Yeah! That would be great!" he said happily. So Pinocchio jumped out of bed Geppetto got him his clothes. Geppetto placed him in a Yellow shirt with a white collar and red suspenders with brown flats. He also put a little blue bow tie on the collar. But he just suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, Pinocchio. I forgot. I have something for you. Wait right here.

Geppetto left the room and came back with a box. Geppetto and Pinocchio opened it together. Inside was a yellow hat with a red feather under a blue banner wrapped around it.

"That hat is for you, Pinocchio. I made it myself," explained Geppetto. "I was going to put in on anew marionette I was building but I thought it would look better on you because it looks about your size. Let me see you put it on."

Pinocchio placed it on his head and looked in the mirror at himself.

"I like it, daddy," said Pinocchio gratefully.

"Oh, it looks so cute on you, Pinocchio. That's a perfect combo for your outfit. It's adorable," Geppetto cried out.

"Oh, I forgot. Figaro's coming with us. And Angelo and his mommy are going to join us. If that's alright with you. Martina and her mommy and daddy are coming too."

"Daddy, where is MY mommy?" Pinocchio asked suddenly. Geppetto suddenly felt a deep feeling hit him. He wasn't expecting that question. He never usually was prepared for Pinocchio to bring up Francesca.

"Well, you see....I'm not sure I'm exactly certain how to tell you that, son."

"Why not?"

"I...I can't, Pinocchio. It's hard to explain. She's just...not here, Pinocchio. That's all I can say. She went away a long time ago."

A small tear fell from Geppetto's eye. Pinocchio could tell something was bothering his daddy. But he didn't know what.

"What's wrong, daddy? Why you cry?"

Geppetto suddenly snapped back to reality.

"Oh, it's nothing, son. Nothing." Geppetto responded.

"It doesn't matter. Come on. Let's get going on." Geppetto picked up Figaro, grabbed the picnic basket , and took Pinocchio's hand as they walked out the door.

Pinocchio loved going out on sunny days with his father. Especially for picnics. It was one of his favorite activities to do when spending time to with him. Geppetto enjoyed it too. He loved going out and sitting in the grass out by the lake and telling stories and playing in the sun with his little boy. He only still wished Francesca could be there to share it with him.

Soon they arrived at the spot where they set up their picnic baskets and blankets. Angelo and his mother were there along with another man.

"Hello, Geppetto," Liliana, the mother greeted Geppetto kindly. "This is my husband, Carlo. I'm sorry we never introduced him."

"Pleasure to meet you, Geppetto," said Carlo.

"Pleasure's all mine, Carlo," said Geppetto generously. "Angelo is such a nice boy. Oh, yes. This is my son, Pinocchio."

Carlo looked down near Geppetto and straight at the boy.

"So you're Pinocchio. Angelo has told me a lot about you. Says you're quite a fun playmate."

Carlo reached out, but Pinocchio felt a little shy.

"Go on, Pinocchio," Geppetto said. "Shake mr. Carlo's hand. He's not going to bite."

Pinocchio stepped forward and shook the man's hand with a smile. Geppetto placed down the basket and introduced Figaro.

"Carlo, this is Figaro. We thought he could join us."

Carlo let out a sneeze.

"Bless you, are you alright?" asked Geppetto.

"I'm fine. It's just that I have a small cat allergy."

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea. After all we only just met."

"Quite alright."

Geppetto gave Figaro to Pinocchio.

"Pinocchio, why don't you and Angelo go play for a bit with Figaro before it's time to eat? Stay within a good distance."

"Okay. Come on, Figaro!"

Pinocchio and Angelo and Figaro ran off to play while Geppetto talked with Carlo about his woodcarving business and wood shop while Carlo discussed his job as a fisher. Then they talked about their normal lives with their families as well.

"So, it's just you and Pinocchio, then?" Carlo asked.

"Yes, Geppetto answered. "My wife passed away a few years ago, just after Pinocchio was born.

"I see. My deepest condolences."

"I thank you," Geppetto replied kindly with a warm smile. "Francesca was a wonderful person. I remember it like it was yesterday when she came home from the doctor and told me she was pregnant with Pinocchio."

"That must have been quite happy news for you," Carlo said. "I suppose it must have been hard for you dealing with her passing."

"Yes, but Pinocchio has ever since still remained my pride and joy."

"Geppetto!" Beatrice called out from afar. She and Martina and Fredrico walked over and greeted the three of them.

"You must be Angelo's father," Fredrico greeted Carlo. "That was a very kind thing of your son to do."

"Thank you. I was out fishing when I heard about the ice cream fiasco. I was proud myself to hear about it."

"Quite a generous thing indeed," Fredrico interjected. "Pinocchio is my godson. My wife and I have been close friends with Geppetto for many years. Most of the material he uses for most of his toys he makes and the pieces for his clocks and music boxes come from various areas across the globe I gather on my travels as a merchant. My wife and I were on travel around the time Pinocchio was born, so we were unaware of Miss Francesca's passing until after we returned. But we were honored to meet Pinocchio when we came home. It wasn't long after that when Geppetto decided to name me Pinocchio's godfather. I accepted."

"Mr. Geppetto, we have a problem," Angelo came running up. "Figaro was chasing a butterfly and got stuck in the tree and Pinocchio climbed up to get him!"


Geppetto and the other adults ran over to find Pinocchio climbing the tree trying to get Figaro.

"I tried to stop him! But he wouldn't listen," Martina said.

"Pinocchio, what are you doing?! Get down from there!" shouted Geppetto.

"But I gotta save Figaro!"

"Pinocchio, you're going to fall and get hurt!"

But Pinocchio wouldn't listen. He kept climbing until he grabbed Figaro but now he had another problem. He was too far up to jump down.
"Daddy, I can't jump down! Help!"

"Pinocchio, just climb down to that branch. I'm coming up to get you!"

Pinocchio tried to climb down. But the branch broke. He jumped as it fell over and made it to the other branch, but he scrapped his knee on the tree trying to keep his grip on the branch. He began to cry.

"Just hang on, son. I'm almost there." Soon Geppetto was in reach. "Come on, Pinocchio. Jump. I'll catch you."

"I hurt my knee!"

"It's okay, Pinocchio. I'll take a look at it when we get down. Now jump to me. Just jump to me and don't look down.

Pinocchio took a deep breath, closed his eyes and jumped to Geppetto. Geppetto caught him and climbed down carrying his boy and Figaro down both to the ground.

Geppetto was most upset.

"Pinocchio, what were you thinking?! You could have been killed! Do you have any idea how scared I was?!"

"I'm sorry, daddy!" Pinocchio muttered tearfully holding his scrapped knee. "I saw Figaro up in the tree and I wanted to help him."

"I know that but you shouldn't have done that. Next time leave that to the grown ups. Now let me see your knee."

Geppetto took a look at the injury and applied some ointment and a bandage to it. And he gave Pinocchio a kiss on the knee to help.

"I'm really sorry."

"It's not that bad. You'll be fine. I'm sorry I got mad. But you really scared me. As dangerous as that was, you were so brave. I'm proud of you for saving Figaro but don't ever do that again."

Pinocchio smiled and hugged Geppetto. And with that, Geppetto put Pinocchio's hat back on him.

"Come on, let's eat," Geppetto called out. After everyone ate, the kids all went swimming. Pinocchio was a little nervous. He had been learning to swim with Geppetto for two years, but had never done it himself before. But with Angelo's help, he learned. Geppetto watched happily with Figaro at his side as the kids played together. While the adults all talked among one another.

"Figaro, you got Pinocchio into some trouble today, but I'm grateful he saved you. I don't want to lose him like I lost his mother. That's why I was so upset and scared for him. I'm just relieved you're both okay."

After a while, as the sunset, it was time for everyone to go home.

"Thank you so much for hosting this with everyone, Geppetto," Lilliana said. "It was such a fun day."

"Yes, indeed. Aside from Pinocchio stuck in the tree that is," Fredrico replied."

"It was quite an honor to have everyone here together," said Geppetto. "I hope Carlo that Pinocchio made a good impression with you."

"He's a nice kid, Geppetto. He's just got to learn to be more careful about getting himself in trouble. I have to admit I was a little scared like you today too."

"Thank you so much."

Soon, Geppetto walked home with Pinocchio and Figaro. As they walked home, Geppetto had a little talk with Pinocchio.

"Pinocchio, I'm sorry I got mad at you about what you did today, but climbing a tree like that is very dangerous for a little boy as young as you. I know you weren't looking for trouble and you wanted to be brave. But there are things you need to let daddy take care of sometimes, okay? I just want you to learn that. If you can't, I don't think we can do this anymore with going out for picnics for some time."

"But daddy, I thought you said you not scared of anything."

"I was today, Pinocchio. I was worried I might lose you. I don't want to lose you. If mommy were here, she wouldn't want to lose you either. I'm just relieved your okay. How's your knee? Feeling any better?"

"It's okay. It hurt no more," Pinocchio replied happily

"Good. Did you have fun playing with your friends?"


"Angelo is such a good boy. And Martina. I'm glad you like her. I've been friends with her mommy and daddy a long time since, oh, before you were born.

"Daddy, can you carry me? I tired."
"Alright, Pinocchio. Come on. Up you go," said Geppetto as he lifted the boy. "You're getting so heavy, Pinocchio. You're getting to be such a big boy."

Geppetto carried Pinocchio the rest of the way as the stars started coming out.

"Do you see that one star, shining brighter than all the others?" Geppetto asked.

"Uh-huh." Said Pinocchio. "I see it. The wishy Star."

"Yes, Pinocchio. The one in the song. I sang a song to you about that when you were still just a baby. I still sing it you often. Do you remember it?"

"Yeah. When you wish upon a star," Pinocchio sang. "makes no difference who you are."

"Anything your heart desires will come to you," they both finished. They sang the rest of the song all the way home.

"Do you ever wish for anything, daddy?" Pinocchio asked.

"Well," Geppetto answered. "There was one thing. A long time ago. And that wish came true."


"You, Pinocchio. You. I wanted a little boy of my own. A child to call my own. And I got you. Though, you weren't born just from a wish. Well, how people are born, that's a subject you'll know about when you're older."

By the time they reached the village, Pinocchio was asleep on Geppetto's shoulder. Soon, they reached the house, and Geppetto carried Pinocchio upstairs, changed him from his clothes to his pajamas and put him to bed. Figaro was already half asleep too, so Geppetto left him cuddled up with Pinocchio alongside the boy's teddy bear.

"Good night, my boy. I'll leave one candle lit for you in case you get scared tonight."

After lighting one little candle, Geppetto gave Pinocchio his cricket doll and left him for the night before going to his own room and heading to his own bed. Geppetto could tell Pinocchio had a special wish in his heart to make upon the wishing star soon, but what it was, he just didn't know it yet.

Geppetto's Pride: A Pinocchio StoryWhere stories live. Discover now