The Joyous news

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Once upon a time in a small Italian village, there was a man named Geppetto. Although Geppetto lived with no one else but his lovely wife Francesca, he was never completely lonely. For there were happy together.

Geppetto was a carpenter. A man who carved and built things out of wood. Thought he was well known for his high-quality clocks and music boxes, he was also a renowned toy maker in the village. All the children loves to stop by and play with the toys whenever they could. And it brought in good fortune whenever the children and their parents would buy them.

Seeing children so happy though, brought joy to his heart every time. But yet, even though he was still happy with Francesca who he loved very much, his heart still had an empty space left to be filled, for there was one thing Geppetto longed for more than anything else in the world. He wanted a child of his own. Many years had he wished for it. But little did he know how soon his life was about to change.

One day, he had finished carving a new clock for his shop when Francesca came in the door. Francesca had been out all afternoon, but she had been feeling unusual for at least 2 weeks. She had been frequently experiencing morning illness and such.

"Is everything alright?" the kindly middle aged man asked his wife. "I've been very worried about you and I was hoping you'd see the doctor."

"That's where I've been all afternoon. I went after I bought more wood this morning," Francesca replied. "I had my suspicions as to my recent symptoms, so...I went to doctor Collodi".

Geppetto could tell there was something she had yet to reveal. He wasn't sure if it would be pleasant news or not, but his concern was so strong he had to inquire as to his wife's hesitation.

"Darling wife, my dear Francesca, what ever did he say? You must tell me", Geppetto demanded to his wife.

"Why my darling Geppetto," she replied happily. "It's only the most joyful news I can share with you."

"What is it?!"

"Good husband of mine, I am with child."

Wh...wha..what did you say?

"Geppetto, I'm pregnant. You are to be a father."

Geppetto fell silent, but a feeling of joy overtook his face.

"A child of my own?! This is marvelous news! This calls for a celebration!" Geppetto fluttered with joy as he turned on all his music boxes in the shop and began to dance with his wife.

The next several months were spent in preparation and anticipation. While Francesca took to resting often, Geppetto worked hard to prepare for the birth of their child. He had been building cradles and furniture for the impending new arrival and all manner of toys for his soon to be child to play with. He and Francesca even hosted a huge sale and cleared the entire inventory of the shop and emptied all the shelves. with the extra money from the sale, they were able to renovate their home and add an extra room for the baby and spent plenty of time decorating and furnishing it.

Geppetto felt like he was the happiest man in the whole world. His wife is about to bless him with something he had been wishing for for many years. His longtime wish to have a child to share with her was about to come true. Yet he couldn't help but think to himself, "is my child to be a boy or a girl. It possibly makes no difference." He couldn't be any happier. But deep down he personally had hoped that his soon to be newborn child was to be a son.

"Just think," he would tell himself. "a real boy to call my own. To call my son. A son that will carry on my legacy. But if I'm to have a daughter. Then I can only allow what fate will decide. Yet, I can only take what I am given."

Within the sixth month of the pregnancy, Geppetto and Francesa had designed a beautiful wooden crib made of pine. After it was built and completed, This gave Geppetto an idea.

"Francesca, my dear. I wish to ask something of you regarding our child."

"By all means, ask me, Geppetto", she generously said.

"If it is a boy we are to have, I wish to name him...Pinocchio." the woodcarver told his wife. She agreed.

"A beautiful name for our baby. I wish to know what you believe the name should be if it's a girl."

"I am unsure. I leave that one to you, my darling."

Francesca did nothing. She just smiled. She know what his heart truly desired. She knew even though it was just as possible to be a girl as it was to be a boy, Geppetto truly wished for a son, yet she knew which ever he was given, he could still be happy. 

But alas, sadness can come to any family. No matter how small. Even in the happiest of moments.

Geppetto's Pride: A Pinocchio StoryWhere stories live. Discover now