Trick or treat

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Geppetto had been having some concerns. There were times Pinocchio had unexpectedly brought up Francesca often and Geppetto did not feel comfortable talking about it. It was not that he wanted Pinocchio to believe maybe she abandoned him. It was just that he didn't want to break his heart so soon. Even though Pinocchio was just about almost old enough to understand about death, He felt Pinocchio wasn't old enough to understand that it was that fate which had befallen her long ago and he knew he was not ready to handle it emotionally. This was what he told just about everybody he knew. But they knew as well as he did, there was going to be a time he couldn't hide it anymore. One night, Fredrico stopped by while Pinocchio was asleep. He wanted to chat with Geppetto and see how Pinocchio was doing. Fredrico said Martina had been doing extra well in school and they were happy to have him and Pinocchio around for her 10th birthday. Geppetto was grateful for that, but it was then he and Fredrico spoke about Pinocchio and Francesca again.

"You know you can't hide it from him forever," Fredrico told him. "Things like this aren't meant to be kept secret forever."
"I know," Geppetto sighed. "but I don't think he's mature enough to know yet. He's only 3. Just look at him, Fredrico. I can't bear to just break his heart so cruelly by telling him."
"What makes you think it's too soon to even tell him now?"
"I fear he's too young to understand. Even if he could, it would break his poor little heart knowing she's dead."
"Eventually, Geppetto. You're going to have to tell him the truth," Fredrico told him.
"Eventually, I will tell him. I'm not necessarily lying to him. I'm just trying to make it seem like...she's just not here."
"But he might think she'll come back. I'm telling you, the longer you wait, the worse it's going to get."
"I know. But he's such a happy little boy," Geppetto added. "and I don't know how I'm going to tell him the truth without ruining that. I don't want to completely destroy his childhood, but I know I can't hide it forever."
"Well, when the time comes, don't expect him to take it too well, either way," Fredrico warned. "Do what you think is best, but don't expect it to be easy to have to do what you'll need to do when the time comes."

"I understand."

Fredrico walked out and Geppetto went to get ready for bed himself. As he got into the bed, he picked up a picture of Francesca. He ran his hand across it and spoke to it.

"Francesca, my dear. Pinocchio has been asking about you now and then. I just don't know how to tell him the truth of what happened to you. I know I can't keep it a secret from him. I just want him to be happy. Even if it's as happy as he could have been had you been around. I miss you just as much too. But....I feel like if and when I tell him, it may damage the strong bond I've developed with him. I don't want to lose him like I lost you. I will do what I can. I'll keep you close in my heart, my love. One day, I will tell Pinocchio the truth. I promise."

Geppetto put the picture away and suddenly heard a voice.

"Daddy, what matter?"

He turned his head and saw Pinocchio in the doorway with his teddy bear.
"Oh, Pinocchio. It's nothing, son."
Geppetto picked up Pinocchio and put him on the bed with him.
What are you doing awake?"
"I hear you talking and wonder who it is you talk to?"
"Daddy was just....talking to himself," Geppetto answered. "Sometimes grown ups like to talk to themselves. Nothing to worry about."

"Okay. Daddy, can I ask question?"

"Yes, Pinocchio," Geppetto said with a smile. "You can ask me anything."
The three year old boy with curiosity in his eyes looked up and asked, "daddy, where I get my cricket doll from?"
Geppetto looked innocently at the child and into his blue eyes.
"Well, son, someone very special made it for you a long time ago. It was left for me to give to you when you were born."
"Who made it?" Pinocchio asked.
"A very pretty lady made it for you. It was a gift for you."
"Was it mama?" Pinocchio wondered.
Geppetto rubbed Pinocchio's cheek lovingly.
"Yes, mommy made it for you before she went away. She left after you were born."

"Why did she go away? Did she not love me?" Pinocchio then asked looking like he was about to cry.

Geppetto wrapped his arms around the boy cuddling him tight.

"Mommy was very sick, Pinocchio. It was very contagious. She didn't want you to get it like she did. That's why she left. To protect you."
Pinocchio looked up tearfully.

"Is she coming back?" He weeped.

"I'm not sure, Pinocchio. She went to one of those places where you go somewhere, and you don't ever come back. I'm sure she wishes she could come back, but she can't. But she loved you, my dear boy. Just like I do."

Pinocchio cried as Geppetto held on to him.

"There, there, son. It'll be alright."

Geppetto picked Pinocchio up and carried him back to his own room. Geppetto placed his son into the bed and covered him back up with the sheets. He found Pinocchio's cricket doll on the stand and handed it to him. Pinocchio took it and cuddled it next to his teddy bear.
"Don't feel too sad, Pinocchio. I know you can't help worrying about mommy, but you'll always have daddy. I'll always be here for you, son. Okay?"
"Okay," replied Pinocchio sniffling. "I love you, daddy."
"I love you too," Geppetto whispered stroking Pinocchio's head. "Now go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."

Geppetto kissed Pinocchio's forehead and walked out. As Geppetto walked downstairs to get a drink, Figaro stared up at Geppetto curiously as he reached the last step. Geppetto picked up the little kitten and held him.
"I don't know how to tell him the truth, Figaro. When I do, I can't help but fear the worst for my relationship with him. All I know is that I can't stand to break my little boys' heart. I just can't."
Figaro gave a sad meow at hearing what his owner was telling him.
"I know, Figaro. I know. Someday I'm going to have to tell him. Fredrico is right though. He won't take it very well when I do. Even I know that."

Back in his room, Pinocchio was still awake. He cuddled his precious cricket doll close to his heart. He felt a deep sadness in his heart. He let out few tears and sadly uttered, "I want my mama." 

Geppetto's Pride: A Pinocchio StoryWhere stories live. Discover now