Chapter 18

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I smiled as I shook her hand. "Thane wasn't exaggerating, you're gorgeous," The fiery redhead grinned, and something about her seemed extremely genuine, like she was actually a nice person, not someone who was just pretending to be nice because I'm an Alpha's mate. It was refreshing.

I couldn't help the blush that splayed across my face. "Stop hitting on Thane's mate, Gwendolyn," I was surprised to hear Leo scoff at her. Leo never backtalked to anybody. Scratch that, he hardly talks to anyone, period. Much less roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Sorry Beta," Gwendolyn said without missing a beat. "Is someone a little butthurt no one is flirting with you?"

I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh aloud. "Jesus, Gwen," Axel sighed in exasperation, as if he were used to having to reign in his friend. "You're a guest. Please mind your manners."

Gwen rolled her eyes at the buff male and snorted. "Ohhh, but Ares can break Cain's jaw in the living room?" She challenged him. I mean... a valid point in my opinion, although I wasn't sure how she knew about that, unless if Ares had been gossiping with her. Though Ares didn't seem like one who cared to gossip that much. 

I was shocked when Leo taunted Gwendolyn by challenging her to break his. The smirk on his face said that he was well aware that it would be a failed endeavor. Goddess, what is wrong with all of these wolves always trying to fight each other?

Thane was undisturbed as he apathetically said, "If you guys feel the need to fight, please do it outside. I just had the house remodeled."

Gwen's eyes lit up. "I could use a little bit of training. The car ride was so long my legs were beginning to atrophy," She complained.

The Gamma of Blood Lake rolled his eyes and quietly pointed out that she could have taken a turn driving. My mouth curled into a smile. He didn't really ever say that much when he was here with Cain, with the exception of a couple of cutting retorts that always made me laugh. I looked him over, noticing that his beard was more full than it was the last time I had seen him, even though only a few days had gone by since Cain and his men left. If my eyes didn't deceive me, he even looked more buff than the last time I had seen him, which was saying something. The guy looked like he popped steroids with his Coco Puffs every morning. 

Gwen suggested going to the training center, and I internally cringed. Not only had Axel completely exhuasted my body during training this morning, but I was wearing a sundress that certainly was not very practical in terms of training. Even Gwen wasn't wearing typical training gear. She wore tight black jeans, a low-cut lacy red tank top, and black stilleto boots. She looked so hardcore, yet girly at the same time, I couldn't help but feel inadequate in her company. I wondered if she had a mate. Lucas didn't seem to like her very much, so I would assume they were not mates.

"You're welcome to go. I would join but I have paperwork to deal with," Thane said, and I wondered what sorts of responsibilities he had as an Alpha. He always seemed to be working, and I never really knew what he was up to. 

"Whaddya say, Onyx?" Gwen asked, her green eyes gleaming. 

"Umm," I hesitated. Training with four Blood Lake pack members was somewhat intimidating.

Sensing my trepidation, Axel coaxed, "You wouldn't have to actually train or anything, you could just watch and jump in if you wanted to. You already met your training requirement for the day, I'm sure Ares wouldn't mind if you just observed." 

Ares didn't say anything as she flicked a piece of lint off of her cloak sleeve. She either wasn't listening, or was mindlinking someone else. It was always hard to tell with the mysterious Luna.

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