Chapter 19

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I woke up to my bed being shaken, like someone was jumping on it.

"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" A female voice cheerfully ordered, and I opened one eye, to see Gwen jumping on the bed next to where I was sleeping.

"Jeez, Gwen. It's my day off, let me sleep in," I begged, putting the pillow over my head to block out the light from the windows that she opened.

"Ugh! It's 10 a.m. If you round that, it's basically noon!" Gwen groaned, flopping on the bed. "I'm bored. Ares is who knows where, Axel is training- bleh- and I'm all alone in this huge house."

"Go annoy Leo," I grumbled, not motivated enough to face her.

Gwen gasped. "Onyx! You are such a grouch in the morning!" I made a noncommittal noise, already ready to go back to bed. "Would you get out of bed if I told you that Thane is letting us go into the human town and go shopping?"

I threw the pillow to the side and sat upright. "Really? Shopping? I love shopping!" I squealed in excitement. "I haven't been to the human city in forever!"

Gwen made an equally elated noise and said, "Let's get ready! Ares will come with us once she gets back."

I scoffed. "Ares? Shopping? Has she even ever been around humans before?"

Gwen laughed. "Of course she has. I think she avoids them as much as possible, but we've gone into the city a few times with Alpha Cain. Now that I mention it, I'm not sure Cain would be to pleased, so make sure Loverboy doesn't mention it to him."

I got out of bed, and Gwen followed me to my closet. Well, Thane's closet, that he had filled with clothes bought for me.

Gwen made herself at home, rummaging through the drawers and hangers. "Ugh, I wish you lived in Blood Lake with me," She said, holding up a light pink dress. "I can't really share clothes with Ares, you know, what with her whole goth-brooding wardrobe that is seriously depressing."

I laughed, "You can borrow whatever you want. Thane actually got everything for me when I arrived, he didn't give me the chance to pack up all of my old clothes before leaving."

Gwen whistled lowly as she pulled a long, tight red gown out of the closet. "Thane has good taste."

I shrugged. "Yeah, he does," I said as I chose my own outfit, a green and white plaid skirt with a green cropped, button-up sweater.

After getting dressed, I went into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup, Gwen following me in there and sitting up on the counter.

While I did my light makeup, Gwen complained about Leo. How much he got on her nerves, how much she wants to stab him just to see the look on his face. I pointed out that her strong feelings of annoyances are just symptoms of a crush.

Gwen scoffed. "I do not have a crush on that insufferable little-"

I raised my eyebrow at her as I paused from putting on my mascara. "You had enough of a crush on him to-"

Gwen interrupted, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know how it looks."

I shrugged, going back to focusing on my makeup. "He likes you. I haven't seen him with, well, any emotions before you came."

Gwen scoffed, but I could see the small smile that crossed her face before she extinguished it.


Gwen and I ate brunch with Axel after getting ready, and the conversation consisted of Gwen arguing with Axel on whether he could or couldn't come shopping with us.

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