Chapter 33

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For a minute, I'm stunned into silence.

Then, I can't help the laughter that escapes my mouth. The man looks at me like I have lost my mind, which I suppose I may have.

"This is just great," I say through my unstoppable laughter. "I got kidnapped by an actual crazy person. This is just wonderful."

The man says calmly, and I have to shift my eyes away because his gaze is burning a hole through me, "Onyx. I am not crazy. We are mates."

"No," I say slowly, like he's an idiot, which he clearly is. "Thane is my mate."

The man sighs, and rolls his eyes. "I know that is what you believe, Onyx, but it isn't the truth. We are mates. Haven't you wondered why you and Thane don't get along? Why you feel like the Moon Goddess made a mistake in making you mates?" I inhale sharply as he raises his hand once more, but he merely brushes his hand across my forehead, tucking my hair behind my ear. As he does so, his hand sends volts of electricity through my body.

"Aren't you wondering why your body responds like that to my touch? Do you deny your attraction to me, mate?" He asks softly, and he has the audacity to sound hurt.

I use all of my strength to shove him backwards by the shoulders. "Do not call me mate, you psychopath," I hiss, and he just looks at me with those puppy dog eyes I have the insane urge to scratch out.

He turns around, and I call out, "Wait... Just let me go," I say as he turns back around to face me. "We clearly are not mates, and you clearly need mental help. We can find you a good therapist."

He just shakes his head sadly. "Soon... You will see, Onyx. We are mates, but do not worry, little wolf. I will give you time to come to terms with this."

I can't help the rage that flows through me, and this man makes me far angrier than Thane ever had, inspiring a fire so deep inside myself I may as well have burnt alive. I grab a vase off of the bedside table, and chuck it at the back of his head as he is about to leave the room.

It smacks against his skull, and I can see blood flow from his head as the glass shatters, but he doesn't look mad as he turns around one final time before leaving. "I deserved that," He says quietly, leaving me in the corner of the room, confused, scared, and utterly alone.

I pace around the room, as much as I can with my ankle still roped to the bed, and consider how to get out of this. I don't have access to my magic, but I had been without it for months. Surely, I could come up with another way.

Ironic as it is, part of me wished Ares was here. As sociopathic as she is, I had no doubt she already would have killed the kidnapper and escaped, probably would have even had extra time to stop for a burger.

What would Ares do? Summon a weapon and kill anyone in sight, that's for sure. But I had no weapons on hand, and even if I did, I wasn't even sure if I would be able to wield one. I stared at the shattered glass on the floor, and I smiled, almost hearing Ares' voice yelling at me to use the glass as a weapon.

I pick up a long, sharp shard of the shattered vase, and hide it under my pillow. I sit on the bed, my back resting against the headboard, and think about my next move.

He was a big man, and I wouldn't be able to subdue him by raw force alone. He didn't even flinch when I broke a vase on his head. No, I would have to play this smart indeed if I wanted a chance at getting out alive.

I felt slightly emboldened by the fact that he thought we were mates. I doubt he would hurt someone who he thought was his soulmate, but who can predict a psychopath's actions? However, I could use his delusion against him. I've seen plenty of Criminal Minds episodes, and I knew that I had to play into his delusion, make him trust me, think that I'm buying into all of this nonsense. Then, when he least expects it, I stab him with the glass.

Despite his clear lunacy, I still cringed at the thought of having to kill him. But I have to. I won't be the dumb girl in a horror movie who only slightly wounds the villain before leaving, only to have him come back still alive, and even more thirsty for blood.

Yes, yes I would play the role he wanted me to. A loving mate, one who accepts her fate. Surely then he would trust me and let his guard down.

A small voice in the back of my head, against my will, considered his words. Could we actually be mates? It would explain the sparks when he touched me, but that could be some kind of allusion, some kind of game he was playing at. Is that even something that could be faked?

My train of thought was interrupted when the door knob started to turn slowly, and my heart was nearly beating out of my chest, and I fought the urge to throw up from anxiety. I forced my shaking to stop, and wipe all of the emotion off of my face, as I had seen Ares do countless times, not that she ever really had any emotions to begin with.

He regards me tentatively, clearly expecting another outburst. He raises both hands in surrender. "I just want to talk. Please, Onyx, just hear me out." I give him a short nod, and he continues. "I know it sounds crazy, because you met Thane first, but we are mates. The Moon Goddess made a mistake by pairing you with Thane, for I am your True Mate. I had her blessing to take you from him, so you could be with your rightful other half."

I stay quiet, like I am considering what he is thinking. Obviously, he hasn't been taking his antipsychotics because you can't just "talk to" a freaking Goddess. Much less would she give someone permission to kidnap someone else. Clearly, he's delusional, but I remain calm.

"If we are mates, why kidnap me? Why not just do things the normal way? You know, dinner and a movie? Not a concussion and imprisonment," I say, because I do not want to come off as eager, or he will certainly realize what I am up to.

He sighs, and his face is full of despair. "You wouldn't have come willingly. You are too blinded by Thane, for now at least. I... deeply regret how I've handled this, and you have no idea how much it pains me to hurt you. I know how confused you must be and...I'm sorry. I don't expect you to accept me right away, nor understand this."

Despite what a crazy person he is, his words sound genuine, and sincerely apologetic. "You didn't have to knock me out," I said quietly. "I would have listened to you, tried to understand."

He grabs my hand, and it takes everything in me not to yank it away. "I should have known," He said, his tone just as quiet as mine, and I try to meet his intense gaze. "You are much better than the wolves of Blue Moon. More rational, considerate. I'm sorry for doubting your kindness, little wolf. I should know that your goodness and kindness are seas of infinity."

"Seas of infinity?" I repeat. "That's a Lovecraft quote."

He looks surprised. "Ah- yes. Yes, it is. You're very well-read, I see."

I shrug. "I grew up trapped in a cabin. I made do with what I had," I say, and its an accusation, for now he is the one trapping me.

His eyes shine in sadness. "I promise, little wolf, once things are better between us... You will have your freedom, more freedom than you could have hoped for in Blue Moon. I...I'm sorry it has to be this way for now. I don't...I don't like seeing you despair."

I'm surprised when he releases my hand, and begins to leave. "Wait," I call out, and he turns around, "I don't know your name."

His eyes dare to be hopeful, an island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity. "Finn. My name is Finn."


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