Chapter 50

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That night, I have no nightmares, and wake up in the morning feeling, for the first time in awhile... okay. Like things might be fine.

Almost as soon as I wake up, there's a knock on the door. I locked the door behind Finn last night, so I get out of bed to let him in. When I open the door, Finn stares at me, his eyes as big as the moon.

"What?" I say self-consciously, and tug his oversized shirt I wore to sleep down a little more, though it already almost reaches my knees.

"I- You- Ummm," He says breathlessly, he shakes his head, like he's trying to shake off a spell. "I wanted to take you somewhere today."


"It's a surprise. Just wear a swimsuit under your clothes, okay? That's all I'm going to say about it," He says, smiling so big his excitement is contagious.

I gasp. "We're going swimming? I love swimming!"

Finn laughs as his eyes light up. "I'm glad. As soon as you're dressed and eat breakfast, we'll go."

"Okay!" I squeal and accidentally shut the door in his face. What? It's not like I was going to let him watch me get dressed.

I go into the closet, which is now overflowing with both mine and Finn's clothing. Unsurprisingly, I'm able to find a stack of bathing suits. I wondered if he picked out the clothing or if Kallista did, because all of them are surprisingly tasteful.

I decide on a light blue bikini that has silver flowers embroidered on it. I pull on a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top, and continue digging around in Finn's drawers until I find another hoodie and put that on too, just in case if it's still chilly outside.

Once I'm dressed, I go downstairs to see Finn, Kallista, Dean, Ronin, Astrid, and Will sitting around the table eating breakfast. Finn pulls out a seat next to him. "Come sit. Kallista made pancakes."

I sit next to him, and I reach for the jug of orange juice, but Dean says, "I wouldn't drink that if I were you."

I withdraw my hand. "What did you do to it?" I ask nervously.

Dean scoffs. "Must I be blamed for everything in this house? I didn't do anything to it. Kallista made it with Ro's oranges from scratch. Tastes terrible."

"Like you could do better," Kallista snaps at him. "It's not that bad, Onyx. See?" She takes a sip, and grimaces.

"Um, I think I'm fine with water," I quickly say, and Ronin chuckles as he hands me the water pitcher.

"Good choice," Dean whispers to me loudly enough so Kallista could hear, and she scowls at him. "So Finn told me he's taking you to the lake today. I have to say, I'm sad Finn won't let us come, I don't want to miss out on seeing you in a bikini."

My cheeks flush as I take a bite of a pancake, and Finn kicks Dean under the table. "It was supposed to be a surprise, thank you very much, Dean," He mutters, rolling his eyes.

"Whoops," Dean says with his mouth full.

"You look well today, Onyx," Astrid says, sounding surprised.

My blush deepens. "Um, thanks."

"Your emotions," Kallista says suddenly, leaning forward. "They're nice today. You're happy."

I shift uncomfortably in my chair. "Jesus, Kal. If you're going to snoop on her emotions, at least have the decency to keep them to yourself," Ronin chastises her, but she's undeterred.

"What? I said it's nice," She says defensively.

Finn rolls his eyes and stands up. "Alright, that's enough, we're leaving. You guys are the worst."

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