Utopia Program

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Three talons scratched the back of the limb, layering cuts over cuts until the limb shattered.

She smiled at the sight. "Took you long enough to get here!"

Nighthawk growled. "Shut up and fight," he fired a bola cord at the giant's feet, yanking it to the ground.

Zarda spared him a glance. "Are you here to... What's the term? Take me in?" She slammed her sledge to the ground, drawing icy barbs to cage the beast.

"Actually," Nighthawk threw a disk onto a nearby leg. "I want to talk to you." He set off the detonator, shattering the limb and sending the giant tumbling. "Tell me," he sunk his talons into the giant's skull. It twitched before going limp. "How was New York?"

She scoffed. "Pitiful. I have not met a warrior I considered my peer." She threw out her sledgehammer, shattering stone and leaving move giants headless before flying back.

"Have you met the Avengers?" He jumped out, latching on an enormous shoulder and clawing its neck. "Iron Man? Captain America?" Another beast fell to his hand. "You know, Earth's Mightiest Heroes?"

Zarda slammed her sledge to the ground, generating golems of the said group. "Weak humans? Heroes?" She laughed, throwing her hammer out and shattering their heads.

"On my home island of Utopia, I was a princess, heir to my mother's throne. I honor her by only fighting alongside the truly powerful." The hammer returned. "The Squadron was once mighty. And in mighty deeds, I still find honor." She slammed her sledge into the ground, rising them on a pillar. "I left for a reason, Nighthawk."

He narrowed his eyes. "That's what I came to talk about."

Her eyes flickered. "Look out!" She yanked him to the ground, throwing her hammer out. Four bodies fell without their heads.

"Thanks," he brushed the dust off. There was a rumbling in the distance. "But that's not going to stop them."

She slammed her hammer to the ground, leveling the field and any enemy nearby. The remaining giants crumbled to dust. "There are far superior places to train. Follow me, if you dare." She leapt into the air, vanishing into a dark room. He flew in after her.

"An Invisible ship," he called copilot. "So that's how you did it."

"Earth has never seen it's like," she placed her helmet and sledge on the dashboard, taking the controls. She smiled at the glare he threw her way. "On my honor as a warrior, this is no ambush." The engine whirred to life.


"Where are we?"

"I formed this island from the very bedrock of the ocean and seeded it with DNA samples from my home."

He picked up a flower. It was bright fuchsia, with narrow petals coming out of a gelatinous bulb. "Amazing," he stashed it away.

Zarda smiled at the sight. "It is a place for people like us. A place for warriors."

"Where's everyone else?" As far as he could see, it was just birds and bunnies.

"With my sledge I can form many things," she slammed her sledge to the ground, raising her on a pillar. "But not another like me."

He almost smirked. "Sounds lonely," he picked up a rock, flipping it over. "So, what's the big deal?"

"That begins now." She pointed to the ground. The earth cracked open as a claw came out.

Nighthawk narrowed his eyes. "You ..."

"Worry not," she reeked of amusement. "This, old friend, is a gift."

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