Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Half an hour later, we are pulling up to the clubhouse and as soon as we get off the bike, we hear "Johnny Coco Cruz. You're Letty is here." and he stops in his tracks. "Lita?" he asks shocked. "Chucky? Oh my God." I say and I run to him and hug him and the tears start to fall again. When we separate, I look at him and ask "How are you here?" He looks at Coco and I hear Coco say "Won him in a card game." I look at Coco shocked and then back at Chucky and I ask "Do they treat you good?" He nods and smiles that goofy smile I missed so much before I hug him again.

I turn to Coco and say "Thank you." He nods before taking my bag and leading me inside. He leads me over to a young girl and she walks up and hugs him. "What are you doing here?" he asks her. "Celia starting her shit again. She took the money you gave me." the girl tells him and then asks "Who's this?" He looks at me and says "Lita, this is my kid, Letty. Letty, this is my Old Lady Lita." he says and Letty looks from him to me and says "Hi." I smile softly and say "Hey." back.

Bishop and Marcus walk up and Marcus says "The club will be here soon but I didn't tell them why we needed them here. You understand why I need to tell them?" he asks. "I do. But they can't make me leave if I'm claimed right?" I ask. "That's the plan. You good with Coco?" Marcus asks. I've known Marcus for a long time and he's always been good to me. "I am." I say simply and look over at him and see him watching me with his daughter right beside him. "You into him?" he asks. "Since I first met him." I say. "Go be with your Old Man." Marcus tells me and I nod before walking over to Coco and he pulls me into his arms and kisses my temple. "How long you two been together?" Letty asks. "Just got together. Long story." Coco says and I just nod before putting my head against his chest.

A little later, we hear bikes pull up and I tense up. Coco leans down and whispers "I won't let them take you." I nod and wrap my arms around him tightly and Bishop, Marcus and Taza walk out to greet the Reaper men. As soon as the doors open, I see all eyes go wide. "Lita?" I hear Chibs say. "Hi Chibs." I say simply. "Hi Chibs? Four fucking years and all we get is hi Chibs? Where the fuck have you been? We've been looking all over for you." He shouts and is in my face. Coco gets between us and says "You're in my clubhouse so I suggest you step back out of my Old Lady's face." Chibs looks at him and then looks at Marcus and asks "You knew where she was?" Marcus shakes his head and says "Let's go into Templo." Chibs nods and Marcus says "You too Mija." Coco takes my hand and we all walk into Templo.

Once inside, I'm standing by the door while everyone is getting seated. Coco pulls over a chair and motions me to come to him and all the Reaper men are glaring at me so I just look down at my hands. "How did you find her?" Tig asks. "She was working at the dog shelter that a friend of the club owns. We went to handle some business at the shelter and she was there." Marcus says. "How the fuck did you not know she was there?" Happy asks. "She was never there when I was there and she wasn't going by her real name." Marcus defends. "Now that she's back, we can take her home." Chibs says. "Lita, go get your things. You're coming home." Chibs tells me and I tense. Coco takes my hand and says "She ain't going anywhere she don't want to go." Quinn looks at him and says "That ain't your choice brother." Coco stands up and says "It is when she's my Old Lady." and everyone gets quiet. "That true Lass?" Chibs asks and I nod my head yes but still don't look up. "Look at me." Tig says softly. I look up at him and he asks "This where you wanna be Doll?" I nod my head yes and fight off the tears. Happy slams his fist on the table and I jump. "Go get your shit. You're fucking coming home." I stand and leave Templo and I can hear them screaming at each other.

I got to the dorm that I was supposed to be sharing with Coco and start grabbing my things. As I'm putting what little I took out of the bag back in, the door opens. "Hey." I hear Coco say. I stop what I'm doing and say "Hey." It's quiet for a minute and I hear him say "You need to come and explain why you ran." he tells me. I just nod and follow him back out. Coco leads me back into Templo and to my seat. "You all need to fucking listen to her. Go ahead bebita." Coco says and I start explaining.

"The day Jax died, after he said goodbye to the boys and sent them off with Nero and Wendy, he told me goodbye. He made me promise to pack what I could and leave Charming and never come back. Everyone was dying and he was scared I would be next once he was gone. I just did what my brother asked me to." I tell them and the tears are falling harder. "I don't want to go back. Please don't make me go back." I beg before Coco pulls me into his lap and just holds me, whispering "I got out mi amor. I got you." and I just snuggle into him. "Bebita, go out to the bar with Letty and the Prospect." Coco tells me and I nod before he kisses me softly and I head out of Templo.

Once the doors are shut. Marcus turns to Chibs and says "We can't make her leave. She's an adult. It's her decision." Happy speaks up "Bull shit. She's coming home with us." before standing and storming out of Templo. I look up when the doors open and see Happy storm out and right to me. "Get your shit. You're coming home." he tells me and I know that look. I know the look. It's the look that says don't argue. I nod and before I can move, Coco rushes to me and tells Happy "She's my Old Lady and you ain't forcing her to do shit." Happy smirks and asks "She tell you she was fucking me before she left?" Coco steps forward a step and says "Four years is a long time brother. She's mine now." They stand there and glare at each other and I hear my mother in my ear telling me that I'm a Teller woman, to act like it. I finally find my voice and yell "Stop it!" It gets quiet and they all look at me. "I left Charming because my brother, my twin, my best fucking friend wanted me to leave. He didn't want me there without him to protect me so I did what he wanted. Everyone keeps telling me what I'm doing and just expecting me to follow. You do realize I'm Gemma Teller's daughter right? The Mayans are the only ones that are actually asking what I want. Coco claimed me as his. I'm his Old Lady and my entire life I was trained that my Old Man is the one that has the final say." I say and look at Coco. "Do you want me to leave?" I ask. "Fuck no. You're mine Bebita." he tells me before putting his arm around my waist. "I love you guys. But Coco is my Old Man and that means that this is my family now. And you know Marcus won't let anything happen to me." I say. Happy walks over and asks "This what you want? Really?" I nod and say "Yeah Hap. I can't go back to Charming. Even if Jax wanted me to stay away, there's too many bad memories. I wouldn't be able to handle it." I say and he nods. "Just keep in touch with us. Let us know you're okay." he says and I nod. After the guys all say goodbye, I look at my new family and say "Thank you so fucking much." and I start crying again as Coco pulls me closer and Letty rubs my back.

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