Chapter 1. ~2

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[Nora  sits by her window as she stares into space]

Nora: ....(eyes begin to shake in tears)...


Nora: ...*sob*...(wipes tears with her left wrist)...coming!...

Aunt Kaylee: Nor?...

Nora: yeah?...what do you want for dinner?...(gets up)...casserole?...

Aunt Kaylee: Nora...I love you,  but your casseroles are...the worst...(sits on Nora's bed)...

Nora: *chuckles*...

Aunt Kaylee: and so is every other dish aside from cereals...

Nora: Haha.

Aunt Kaylee: (taps on a chair opposite her)...

Nora: (sits on the chair)...Aunt I...

Aunt Kaylee: hey...I get not giving you enough room anymore...and I haven't been listening to your opinions lately...  so now...

Nora: aunt it's...(holds her aunt's hands)...nothing like that.

Aunt Kaylee: then what Nora?...

Nora: ...(withdraws hand)...

Aunt Kaylee: you know me i'll always try to do my best to placate you...I...i'll...

Nora: ...<yells>...that's the thing aunt!...<breaks>'re out there...all day long doing your best for me...

Aunt Kaylee: hey I don't mind...

Nora: I know...but it still hurts...<tearfully> still hurts so...bad...that my dad left me with you for twelve years...when he never let me close to you or even my own 'mother'...

Aunt Kaylee: ....

Nora: but still...but still...(tears fills her eyes)..I...(closes eyes)...I can't leave him... I can't forget...I can't let him go!...<cries>...

Aunt Kaylee: oh...°Hugs°...Nor...(gently runs her right fingers through Nora's straight brown hair)...i...I completely understand you...I never expected you to forget him, in fact....(takes Nora off the hug and holds her by the shoulder)...I want you to remember him...(stares her deep in her eyes)...every morning you wake up...every night before you sleep...remember him!...

Nora: #stunned...<stares>... ... 

[Aunt Kaylee's red hair radiated with the sun light as her red gem eyes sparkles with tears]

Aunt Kaylee: remember him Nora!...cause that's who you are...

Nora: (eyes fills with tears)...

Aunt Kaylee: and what you are brave...and you never run from your fight! fight Nora...

Nora: (closes eyes)...*sob* *sob*...

Aunt Kaylee: fight until you defeat the pain. I don't want to hold you down...I want to 'believe' in you.

Nora: ...<cries>...I thought...I thought...moving away will make me forget him...and I was so... 'scared' of telling you cause...*sobs*...cause You have always cared for me and this is a big opportunity for us and saying no will make me...will make me selfish...I just don't want to let him go...<tightens hug>...i don't!...i don't i don't...

Aunt Kaylee: moving away is just a distance...what matters is where your heart is...and your heart is never away from home...and guess what?...home is not here or any building or's in your heart...your mind...your soul...

Nora: ...<cries>...(squeezes her arms around Aunt Kaylee's)...*sob*...okay...(lets go of her aunt)...okay...let's do this...

Aunt Kaylee: ...<smiles>...that's my girl...hey,  how about this... we get ready tomorrow and leave for granpa's house...

Nora: #surprised... really?...<quick smile>...

Aunt Kaylee: yeah, we can stay there for a day and leave to the airport on the next...anyway it's way closer to airport than the five star hotel...

Nora: *giggle* *giggle...

Aunt Kaylee: so, what do you say?...fighting?...(reaches out her fist)...

Nora: (wiping tears with left palm)...*chuckle*...(fist bumps)...

Both: fighting...(throws fist in the air)...

Nora: I love you Aunt...

Aunt Kaylee: I love you so much more than you know...

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