Chapter 10

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Elanor's plan was not a very good plan, but it was the only plan proposed to save the Ark. So it was chosen.

The people of the Ark were terrified by the plan. Everyone knew that not all the stations would survive re-entry. Some might not survive the crash landing planned for the stations when they got to Earth. 4 stations were deemed too damaged to survive at all, so they were out as options. That left the survivors of the Ark with 8 choices.

Elanor really didn't have a choice of the station. Her father, Abby, and Sinclair had all deemed Mecha station to be the safest station for the decent back to Earth. And there was logic behind their reasoning. Mecha station was smaller than most of the other stations and it had more reinforcements around the outside. Elanor wasn't leaving her father's side, so they were both going to Earth on Mecha station. Or dying on it.

Elanor hopes it was the first option.

As Sinclair closed the door, Marcus Kane wrapped his arm around his daughter. Elanor was wedged between Abby and her father. The two had silently agreed that she would go in the middle, hoping to provide a cushion between Elanor and anything that may harm her.

Over the intercom, each station checked in, preparing to leave the Ark, and space, for good.

"Hydra station is good to go"

"Mecha station is good to go"

"Factory station is good to go"

"Farm station is good to go"

"Hydro station is good to go"

"Arrow station is good to go"

"Power station is good to go"

"Alpha station is good to go"

"Chancellor Jaha, all stations are good to go" Sinclair's voice was calm, but Elanor could see his nervousness from across the room. "We are prepared for launch"

"In peace, may you leave this shore," the chancellor began the goodbye address customary on the Ark. Elanor pressed into her father's side, remembering bitterly the last time she had heard these words spoken. She made sure that her grandmother's wish would be fulfilled, storing the tree securely in the cargo hold. "In love may you find the next. Safe passage on our travels, until our final journey to the ground. May we meet again"

The chancellor's voice was followed by a chorus of softer voices.

"May we meet again"

The chancellor went to the private channel and Elanor braced herself against the coming jolt as the Ark lurched towards Earth.

"Initiating GoSci separation in 5...4...3...2...1...Seperate"

Nothing happened.

A handful of whispers passed through the room, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Sir, remote detonation failed. We have a negative for GoSci separation, Negative for launch"

Jaha must have said something as Sinclair pressed more buttons and tried to fix the problem.

"Not from here, sir, no. Someone will have to launch manually"

Beside her, Elanor's father unbuckled himself and stood up. Elanor reached for his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Somebody has to stay behind, Nellie"

Abby leaned towards Sinclair.

"There has to be another way"

"I can go back and fix it, but it will take time. We'll miss the landing window for the Eastern United States. We won't land anywhere near the 100"

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