Unclear Thoughts

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Doc felt horrible.

He'd felt this way for almost 2 weeks and it hadn't gotten any better. Over time, the sickness seemed to stay the same for the most part, gaining a new symptom or two every few days or so. Normally, Doc would have started to worry for his health by now, but his mind was too foggy to get a clear thought across. He could only come up with one excuse which was, 'since it's cold and flu season, this is totally rational and I'm probably just reacting differently to it this year'.

Doc rolled onto his back in bed only to find his alarm was going off. When he reached over to shut it off however, the time startled him. "Noon? My alarm has been going off for..." It took doc a second to do the math. "Seven hours?!" Doc let out a groan as he pulled the covers back and hauled himself out of bed.

Doc's foot caught on something on the floor and pitched forward, face planting. Strangely there was nothing there. It took him longer than it should have to get back up, collect himself, and head to the living room.

When Doc saw her sitting at the kitchen table, he couldn't help but smile. "Well hello there sweetheart! And how are you?"

Gracie stared back at Doc and meowed. He'd had the cat all her 4 years in life. Everyone knew Scar for being close to his cat, but you haven't seen an owner-to-cat bond like the one between Doc and Gracie. Doc walked over to the cupboard for a bowl and glass. Next he went to the fridge for the orange juice and milk. Gracie ran over across the counter and perched herself on Doc's shoulder. She did this every morning. Ren teased Doc plenty about it, but he was a dog. What did he know about bonding with cats?

Suddenly a strange fog settled in Doc's mind, bringing a horrible migraine with it. Twice he almost poured the orange juice into his cereal bowl and even after managing to get the milk where it needed to go, his hand was so shaky that a few spoonfuls almost found their way into his lap. After successfully eating about half of what went into the bowl, he pushed the milk filled dish forward for Gracie.

As he watched the cat lap up the remains of his breakfast he attempted to get his brain to work, or at least have a semi understandable thought come to him. Doc leaned his face on his palm, his gaze moving from Gracie and into space. Poor Doc missed thinking straight. He had a project that needed finishing that required his full mental presence but it took major effort to even remember what the project was.

He looked over at his chat-watch. No one has sent any group messages yet today, which was a rare occurrence. Everything started fading to black. The last thing Doc was aware of was his face slipping off his hand and heard a loud slam.


Doc woke up two hours later.

He was sitting in the kitchen with his head down on the table. It was 3:00. He was eating breakfast. Why was he eating breakfast? It took him a minute or two to remember what was happening.

His chat watch was blowing up. He had almost 70 unread messages, and that was just the ones to the group chat. Another 26 were directed to his private chat. Most were asking if he was okay, others talking amongst themselves trying to decipher something, and others still were asking him what 'xdrsftvgyuhij' was supposed to mean. Doc just asked everyone what they meant. He was told he'd sent out a message about two hours ago and all that was in it was 'xdrsftvgyuhij'. He had to explain that he'd dropped his chat and couldn't find it, which was obviously a lie, but no one said anything, understanding that Doc didn't want to talk about it.

Gracie lapped up the last of the milk in the bowl and picked the spoon up in her mouth, trotting over to drop it in the sink. Then she walked back and pushed the bowl across the counter and placed it next to the spoon.

Doc smiled. He loved the cat and found her the most amazing animal he'd ever had. The most fascinating part was that she'd taught herself all of her behaviors. Gracie could not only put away dishes and perch herself on Doc's shoulder, but could turn on the coffee maker (Which was strange because Doc hated coffee), use the ice machine, open doors, open water bottles and plenty more.

A few words spilled from Doc's mouth involuntarily. It took about two minutes to figure out what he'd said. For some reason, Doc had said, "In your face Scar. Can your cat do that?" Doc wasn't ever very braggy about Gracie so the comment confused him. Even so, his mind was so foggy and he was so drowsy he still didn't take much notice.

Doc sat up and the foggy migraine returned. Because of this, he decided to take a day off for the first time in the entire period he'd been sick.

Doc settled on the couch and turned on the TV, flipping through the channels until getting to the Hermitcraft News and Recap channel. Leaving it there, Gracie hopped up into his lap and took a catnap.

The fog in his mind got worse by the hour and only made him even more tired. Doc caught himself dozing off multiple times, so by the eighth time he gave up. Doc simply got up, walked back into his room, and was out like a light second his head hit the pillow.

When the alarm went off again, he didn't bother to snooze it. This time he just slammed his fist over the off button, ripped the cord out of the outlet in the wall, and tossed the clock into his closet without unburrying his face from his pillow.



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(Words: 1003)

(Hey guys! I finally got the first chapter in the part done! I'm really looking forward to writing the rest of this part, as it's probably one of my favorites of the planned ones to come. Anyway that's it for this chapter.)

And don't forget - Keep on adventuring!

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