Born September 19th, 1979 to muggle parents, Hermione Jean Granger is a stout 5'5 brown haired and brown eyed young witch. Her journey began in the year 1991 at one of the greatest wizard schools to ever exist, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wiz...
I'm surrounded by darkness with no trace of light. My ears ring to match the pain I feel on my sore back. My experience with the time-turner in my 3rd year at Hogwarts was much different from this one. When I used it back then it was to right a wrong that would save Harry's godfather, Serius Black, from the Dementor's of Azkaban; dark creature's who feed on human happiness and sometimes -in this case- can consume a person's soul rendering them empty and void of all emotion. I had only turned back time a few hours resulting in no physical or mental damage to myself or Harry who had accompanied me. Logically, turning back time 54 years in the past is the reason for my sudden groggy state. I wouldn't had known of any side effects considering no witch or wizard has ever turned time past a few hours or days. It is a miracle I had survived.
I finally start to see light creeping into the darkness as I flutter my eyes open, adjusting them to the sunlight. Above me is a vast blue sky, painted with fluffy white clouds across it. Below me my fingers twitch in the dewy grass. My senses are now coming back to me as I smell the freshly cut grass and flowers that seem to encompass my still form almost as if I had purposely been placed there.
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I turn my head to the side taking in my surroundings. A small hut is perched just at the top of a hill. The hut resembles the same one from 1997. The building is made of smaller stones varying in color that have been cemented together. Green moss climbs the sides of the building and rests on the dilapidated grey roof. This is exactly how I remembered the hut that belonged to Rubius Hagrid, the groundskeeper and gamekeeper during my time at Hogwarts.
Hagrid had a bad habit of collecting creatures from the wizarding world most deemed monstrous. In the years I had known Hagrid, he acquired a three headed dog named Fluffy, an Acromantula also known as a giant spider named Aragog, a dragon named Norbert, and a hippogriff that resembled an eagle headed horse with wings named Buckbeak. Each of these equally terrifying creatures all for the exception of Aragog, who nearly killed Harry and Ron, we're all friendly if treated right.
I inwardly smile as I remember Draco Malfoy being attacked by Buckbeak. The cockroach, as I had called him, was jealous of Harry for riding Buckbeak and receiving applause from our entire class. So he decided to rush at Buckbeak in an attempt to overshadow Harry's actions. Buckbeak became afraid and slashed at Draco's body hitting him in the arm. If Draco had read his textbook or listened to Hagrid he would have known Hippogriffs are prideful creatures and require the respect of anyone who wishes to come near them.
As I stare absentmindedly at the small Hut I almost don't notice the two figures who exit the front door. The one with long brown hair towers above the other man and wears a long brown shaggy robe much like Hagrid's. When he turns I smile realizing the boy is a much younger looking Hagrid who still has his long coarse beard. Even with the distance between us I can still make out the bits of crumbs left on his beard. At least some things don't change.
The other man, appearing to be under 5 feet tall, resembled a Weasley with his bright red hair that contrasted perfectly with his white attire. He also had a disheveled appearance like Hagrid's due to the amount of dirt and grass stains on his clothes.