Sweet First Date

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Stuff in (these brackets) is her thoughts so enjoy! :D

The coffee shop was beautiful with small areas to lounge and read or browse the net as well as books to read while relaxing on small velvet couches and chairs.

Small votives of lily and white flowers adorned the tables, and the light was bright but not blinding, lounge music played in the background.

Her thoughts wavered in panic.

(How in the world had it come to this?)

(Why had she said yes?)

(Now she was in for it)

(She was socially awkward)

(She was sure everything was going to go wrong)

As if the angel could sense her thoughts, he smiled and said. "I hope you like vegan because I took the liberty of ordering us some snacks," he said sweetly.

"Um..erm...Um, yes of course," she said, his voice bringing him back to her as he smiled.

"I also believe I haven't introduced myself. I'm Ville. You are?" he asked with a beautiful wicked smile.

"M...my name erm sure...I'm Selene," she said her shaky voice sounding even shakier.

(God this is horrible... he must think I'm an idiot!) she thought.

As the waitress brought them their food and coffee. Selene hoped that the smell would calm her nervous excitement, and his scent of the ocean, which was driving her hormones wild.

Selene struggled to eat with his beautiful self so close to her, but she didn't want to make this more awkward. Without stuttering too much, which was hard, she managed to break the ice.

"Thank you for the food, and the drink but I have to ask um, why are you so, erm interested in hanging out with me? I'm sure you have um...something cooler to do or someone else to be with," Selene said her face beet red.

"Do you want to get rid of me so fast?" he said, pouting with a hint of a smile on his angelic face.

She blushed, "um...um...no I just I'm not used to people being so nice to me," Selene confessed.

Selene had suffered from bullying and harassment most of her life.

It had taken her a lot of inner struggles to finally, become a professional librarian, and get a scholarship to work and study in Helsinki.

"Well, you must not have met very nice people

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"Well, you must not have met very nice people. I happen to find you quite interesting," he said.

His chocolate curls fell over his porcelain face, making her blush more if possible.

Selene started to look around shivering.

(Was there a hidden camera lying around somewhere?)

(Was this a prank?)

(An emerald-eyed angel like him could never choose to waste his time with her).

If you are here thank you so much :D

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