In Pandemonium

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Next chapter warning about suicidal ideation

In every song, in every performance, he could not help but see her face, smell her skin, see her in the shimmering lights. He was going insane without her, and though he was back from tour, she was nowhere to be found.

In all this time, she had not even sent him one message. He did not want to be selfish. She was most likely passing the time with her family. However, he could not shake a sense of dread in his heart.

He spent his days writing songs, but he could not focus, she was always invading his thoughts. He had sent her some messages to see if she was doing well but did not want to be overly protective, so he had decided to give her time.

However, each day that passed made him feel more paranoid. He began to lock himself in his apartment again, and he refused to go out less and less, he slept more, and her face haunted his dreams.

The feeling of dread mounted with each dawn and fell into nightmares upon his waking dreams at night. "I'm gonna go look for her," he said blatantly to his best friend Mige.

"And then what V what if you don't find her man? What if she decided to marry? What if- " Ville cut him off. Not because he was being rude or did not care for his friend's concern for him, but because he had asked himself those questions all those nights he had spent without her.

"If that is so...then, I will open my eyes finally, and it will be over," he said sternly. "And your heart, your soul, what about that will they be ok with you making up your mind that fast?" Mige asked as they sat at a local bar, he had finally managed to drag Ville out of the house.

Ville looked at him, as much as he wanted to admit Mige was right, yet, he refused to give up on her, on their dreams "They will have to heal with time....I'm not giving up on this one," he said as he looked determinedly at his friend.

"I will begin looking for her tomorrow. I remember her saying she lived in the states somewhere in Boston," he added, "No matter what happens...I have to know... this doubt is eating me alive..." he said.

A month later

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A month later...

It would be a joke to say Selene had lost a few pounds

She no longer cared about how she looked or about eating. In this matter, she had rebelled against her parents, who had locked her.

They were threatening to send her off to a private school for girls far away.

"The more you rebel, the worse it will get," her mother said "Please, look, Selene, I am sorry about what I said but, " her mother said caressing her face "but it's for the best darling," she said leaving her to rest as she left the room.

Each moon, each dawn, was without hope for her. What was this empty life without him but a blank canvas without paint, a night without the moon and stars, an ocean without waves?

The emptiness in her soul was drowning her will to fly, to find him, to run to him, even if now she had no means to go to him

Selene smiled. It seemed the demons of suicide that had haunted her once, when her parents had to hospitalize her and sent her to an institution, were coming back again.

Memories of her bullies, of being molested and kicked around, had damaged her. Being cyberbullied after someone had sneaked a picture of her in the girl's locker room and passed it around at school, had been the cusp of what made her want to end her life.

Why was she so broken? Why did people hate her? Why did her parents not care for her life for what she wanted? Why was she here? What did any of this matter?

She waited till midnight, still mourning the fact that her parents had disconnected her phone, and she could not even apologize to Ville, or tell him goodbye, and wish him all the happiness in the world.

But Selene could not take this anymore, and she refused to be sent off to an institute for special cases, to be educated again.

Selene knew they were fast asleep and she knew where the anxiety meds that she had to start taking all over were being kept, she knew her way to the cabinet, she had made sure to hide a bottle.

An overdose would not prove lethal if they found her, but maybe she could sleep for good and find Ville in another life, where they could be together, "Ah my old flower vase" she noticed it had a sharp edge. Selene had bought it as such because she liked how awkwardly beautiful it made the shape look.

It was the last present she had received from her loving grandfather, the only one that had cared for her

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It was the last present she had received from her loving grandfather, the only one that had cared for her. And now it would let him and her be together.

Memories of Ville of his lips, his arms around her, his voice, and his sweet laugh helped her drown her fear as she filled the bathtub as silently as possible, undressing and sitting in.

Ville would be better off without a coward like her, and he deserved so much more. Selene thought as she stepped in, ready to plunge into oblivion. When she heard a rock hit her window, and somehow it broke her out of her suicidal trance, who could have gotten past the security?

Selene walked out of the bathroom, covering herself, but still naked as she was numb and weak from not eating.

The light of the stars danced over her skin and hair as she looked out, and her heart sparked into life, how he and what seemed to be some friends had found her she had no idea, but she knew that she only had seconds to warn him as the lights of the house turned on, and the dogs began barking.

Thank you if you are here :D yup, he's back to get his girl.

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