Oh Bittersweet Love

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Thank you so much if you are yet here...

The Valo family invited Selene to come back soon as she was becoming part of their family, she blushed at that and thanked them profusely.

Ville led her back to her apartment, happily holding hands, "tonight was wonderful, love," he said as she stopped at the stairs. He held her face with a gentle touch.

"I'm so glad your family approved," she said, smiling timidly.

"Why wouldn't they?" He said, making her melt as he gently leaned down to kiss her, while wrapping his arms around her waist.

She sighed into his kiss, and he leaned further his hands encircled around her like a fortress.

"You are...so beautiful both inside and outside," he said as he let go of her lips "I should be the one saying that," she said smiling as she caressed his cheeks.

"Will you...will you be my girl?" He said, whispering into her ear, his ocean scent driving her crazy. Her heart almost leaped out of her throat.

"Only if you will be my man," Selene said blushing at her boldness "I already am," he said in a grave tone, pushing a hair out of her face softly.

"Then all is right in this world," she added, noticing a sad look on his face.

"Angel, what's wrong?" Selene said worried, "I...the thing is I will start touring soon. I leave in a month, I can't force you to leave your job, but baby, will you wait for me," he said a hint of sorrow on his voice.

Her heart was shattering, how long would it be before she saw him again? Yet, she knew in her heart she would do anything for him. "I will wait for you lest death takes me," he pulled her into a passionate kiss his heart calmer than before.

A year,

Selen sighed, it had been a year since he had gone on tour, and yet it seemed like an eternity. She kept counting the days on her calendar and focusing on her job as much as she could.

Selene had been promoted, and she hoped she would not blunder, she had so much to do, but he was always on his mind.

Selene would try to stay updated on where he was, and at times he would send her a sweet message just to check on her or see what she was working on.

Selene had never felt the need to celebrate holidays and although she had done so with her family in the past.

Selene had thought that upon beginning, work in a foreign country, she wouldn't bother or have time, and if she did, she would not mind being alone.

Yet, now that the angel called Ville had crossed her path, everything seemed dull without him.

Though she was trying to be patient, Selene yearned for his sweet lips more every day, his voice, his smile, his company.

Yes, as time passed and she kept going with her life, making friends, using Ville's words of encouragement, even through text, she began to love herself a bit more to succeed and stop hating herself as much.

Thank you if you are still with me on this short but sweet journey

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