Run Away From The Sun

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In her desperation to let him in and stop the guard dogs from finding him and his friends Selene tried to yank open the window off its hinges, before stopping herself she was just going to make more of a racket.

She took a deep breath there was only one way out so he opened her window and stepped onto her balcony she was weak from not eating and frail she did not even know if she would survive this

He looked in horror as she started scaling her balcony to jump off his friends had given him a window of time "well distract the dogs you get your lady" they said.

He only hoped they'd be ok as he yelled at her "Baby! Wait let me get a rope it's too dangerous" he said he would catch her if she fell, but she looked so frail and weak he was afraid she'd hurt herself if she fell too hard

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He only hoped they'd be ok as he yelled at her "Baby! Wait let me get a rope it's too dangerous" he said he would catch her if she fell, but she looked so frail and weak he was afraid she'd hurt herself if she fell too hard.

As if sensing her fear Selene looked at him smiling. "I trust you Ville," she said and before he could stop her she jumped. He rushed and she fell like an angel into his embrace.

As much as he wanted to kiss her and hold her they had little time as his friends came back running "we gotta get out man, the cops are on their way!" the young man said he looked about Villes age "thanks Jussi come on we gotta go Mige let's get to the getaway car," he said.

Selene was so weak he was scared to death as he held her running to the getaway car where Linde and the others helped her in.

Selene was so weak he was scared to death as he held her running to the getaway car where Linde and the others helped her in

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"Almost there baby," he said covering her as she saw she was naked under her bathrobe.

Selene sighed in desperation and fear what if they were caught...her head hurt so much and as they lifted her into the car she passed out into dark dreams.

Selene woke up to a light, was she dead? no, she was in a lavish house warm in a bed and beside her was her prince asleep on her lap.

"Ville?" She whispered "Baby! You're awake are you still hurting?" he said holding her close "all is right I'm with you now, but I don't even deserve you, I was a coward I couldn't stand up for us I," she said crying into his chest as he cut her off with a sweet kiss.

"None of that matters now, you are coming with me, don't worry about your papers we are at my friend's house for now while, I'm getting a warrant what they did to you it is abuse," he said furiously.

"We'll be on the way back to Helsinki by tomorrow dearest," he said afraid to hold her too tightly "we are bringing an at-home doctor to check everything baby ok?"

Selene was overwhelmed everything was going too fast how had he found out?

Yes, she was happy, but at the same time she was overwhelmed, and all those sleepless nights were catching up to her she was so tired.

He smiled as If sensing her exhaustion "Sleep baby, I'm here and we will never part again," and looking into his emerald eyes she slept finally at peace, in his arms.

Although she was afraid, afraid of what awaited them, Selene's parents were quite influential, what would happen now?

Thanks if you are here ^_^

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