Chpt 4

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Jorja Pierce

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Jorja Pierce

I sat beside Jen in our modern literature class which was the only class we had together. She spent the day with deshawn yesterday so this is the first time I'm seeing her since the party.

"Are you sure nothing happened?" She asked for the hundredth time referring to bricks and I.

I rolled my eyes yet again, "yes Jen I'm positive nothing happened, we got food then went back to his place and watched movies" I said again, "he even slept on the couch"

"That's so fucking boring"

"What did you do" I questioned turning to her, "you sound like you had fun with deshawn, you didn't come home yesterday"

She laughed laughed really loud causing everyone to look up at us but of course we didn't care.

"Girl yesterday was the best, Shawn spent the whole day treating me like a queen so I could forget that he ain't shit"

This was a regular thing for her and Shawn, they argued, Jen cried even threatened to break up with him , he showers her with gifts and sex so she'll forget about it, it's a pretty toxic relationship if you ask me but Jens my best friend and I love her an it's not my relationship so it's not my place it say.


I reached in my bag and pulled out my phone checking my notifications.

2 New Messages From: Bricks
Hey ma, what time you get off today?
Want you to come somewhere with me.

Okay, I finish at 3.
Where are we going?

Just gonna run some errands
and I want your company

I smiled to myself before locking my phone and putting out back in my bag. Bricks and I have surprisingly gotten a little close in a one night one day period.

"Hey I'm gonna leave you after class okay" I said to Jen causing her to look up from her laptop to me.

"Where are you going" she asked with a pout, "I wanna come" she continued.

"Actually I'm going out with bricks" I said blushing.

"Ooouuuuuu fuck it up best friend" she sang dancing in her seat. "You bout a get some DICK, not no little white boy dick I'm talking, grown ass king pin type dick".

"Girl you better relax, ain't nothing happening he said he has to run some errands and he just wanted my company" I laughed shutting down her idea.

"Mhhmmmmm, girl you know I'm ready to me an auntie so do what you gotta do" she smirked.

"Can you please pay attention to the lecture and leave me alone" I laughed turning away from her.


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