Chpt 9

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Jorjas Pierce

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Jorjas Pierce

The past few weeks have been good for me, school, work, friends and family just seem to be in a really good place right now and I'm so grateful.

I walked off the elevator and down the hall to my apartment unlocking the door. I took my jacket off along with my shoes leaving them in there respective place by the door. I make my way in the direction of Jen's room to find her door closed.

"That's weird" I thought to my myself. Before I could knock Jen popped out from the side without allowing me to see in her room.

"Hey bestie, you're home early" she said very much out of breath. Interesting.

"Yeah my professor let us out pretty quick, what are you doing?" I answered.

"Oh nothing" she responded quickly.

"Is there someone in there?" I questioned giving a small smirk.

"Non of your business nosey" she said trying to play it off.

"Mhmmmmm well I'll let you and 'nobody' get back to doing 'nothing'" I laughed backing my way over to my room.

"It's not what you think" she yelled behind me before I shut my door.

Trying not to let my mind race I couldn't help but to think what she was doing, who she has in her room and what are they doing.

"I wonder if it's shawn" I said to myself making my way to my connect bathroom.

"Nah could never" I answered myself before pushing the thought to the back of my mind heading into the shower.

After my shower, a quick study session and a long gossip filled phone call from my mom I heard Jen's room door open quickly before the front door open and close. A few seconds after she barged open my room door throwing herself on my bed.

"Well hello miss 'I'm keeping secrets from my best friend'" I said turning to face her from my desk.

"You're so dramatic" she laughed, "if you must know it's fresh so I don't want you to meet him yet".

"Oh thank God it's not Shawn" I said relieved we're not going back down that road.

"Oh girl fuck no"

"That's really good to hear" I laughed at her disgusted facial expression.

"So what were you and mister nobody doing?"

"Ew don't call him that, his name is Carson and we really weren't doing anything".


"No for real, after going through everything with he who shall not be named I really don't want to rush into anything with anybody plus as I said it's fresh"

"Aawwww I'm glad you're really thinking this though and I'm very proud of you for moving on" I said genuinely.

"Ugh girl not us having a moment" she laughed.

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