"What, Rae that's crazy. I've been down here for 4 years for a reason," Kacey says. She obviously isn't amused by my crazy thoughts.
"Yeah, but what if there was a way out of here?" I say to her. "I've been thinking it through, and maybe we can do it. With a little more planning and a little more strength. What if we could actually get out of here?"
"Rae that's not possible," she answers, she has an aura about her right now where she's speechless. "The only way out is the elevator and you and I both know that we can't take the elevator up because you can't open it from down here."
"But what if we don't take the elevator," I say quietly, "I know we are underground, but we could build a tunnel maybe."
"And then what?" she asks quietly, "even if we build a tunnel, we don't know where we are, how would we get home without getting caught by the government. We don't have a standing, they'll scan our chip and find that in a minute." I sit there quietly, letting my brain work to figure out an answer.
"What if we contact our parents first?" I ask her quietly. "We can figure out a way to get a phone or something, maybe ask whoever gives us our meals, put a note through the plate shoot and contact them."
"But why would they give us a phone?" she says sadly. "Rae I know you want to go home and get out of here, but they have no reason to help us and would probably punish us with no food. I'm sorry Raegan, I don't think that will work." I nod and with that climb into bed. I had to give it a try, cause I truly do think it'll work, and maybe I can convince Ryan of that and he'll do it with me.The next morning we train again. Neither Kacey or I make any mention of our conversations from last night as always. For all the boys know they don't even happen. After gulping down my breakfast I head to the training room with Kacey where we immediately start. Kacey thinks she crushed my dreams of getting out of here last night, but in reality she sparked them even more. Her telling me that we'd have to do it all without getting caught by anyone, much less the government... well I figure one way to do that would be for all of us to strengthen our abilities. While mine may not be the most useful, the turning off the lights and electricity of a building could be a bit useful. So I'll train harder, and more efficiently. I can do the whole switching the lights off easily, but I want to go further, I want to try it with one lightbulb, and then one device like the clock. If I could control them individually it will strengthen my intensity and precision. So as we all train separately, I focus my energy on the one lightbulb right above Kacey. I look for the ripples I've started noticing around big energy sources, and slowly they start to appear. So I latch onto the ripple directly in the light bulb and I gently pull it, far enough to turn the lights off and it does as I say. That one singular light bulb shuts off.
"Nice kiddo!" Shawn exclaims, shattering my focus as the light turns back on. "Already trying to aim for precision. Fast learner isn't she," Shawn says to Kacey. She smiles at me wearily.
"Faster than all of us," she answers. I guess you could say Shawn and Kacey are the big siblings and Ev, Ryan and I are the little ones. I smile, happy with myself and keep trying. It takes a while for each one, but I can do one at a time, at least for now. What about two at a time? I know very well pushing myself isn't the best idea and it's better to work slowly, but no harm in trying... I do the normal with the first lightbulb, bending the string enough to make it dark. Next I look at the one next to it. I can feel my attention and focus on the first one wavering as I look for the strings to pull. When they appear my imaginary hand in my mind shakes as it pulls the string. The string snaps. I don't know what snapping the string does and time seems to be frozen on that one string I just snapped. I shake my head shaking out of it as the original lightbulb flickers on and I stare at the second one that isn't really a lightbulb anymore.

FantasyWhen a child is born, a chip is put into their brain. It is said the chip isn't activated until they are 16, in what is referred to as their testing day. On such days a machine simulates activities testing your creativity and intelligence before pla...