Chapter Twenty One

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 We leave the building without a hitch and I turn the security cameras on a couple minutes later. The oval is on the other side of this property, meaning it's about a 5 minute walk we have to avoid getting caught or noticed. Then the hard/unplanned stuff begins. Shawn holds the briefcase with the files we do have close to his side. He's clenching the handle so hard I'm afraid he's going to accidentally break it. We all exchange our worried looks as we near the building. Getting into the building won't be hard. People are running in and out frantically. However once we get it... it'll be hard to not get caught and in order to get all the way through we are going to have to use our powers.

"Raegan," Kacey whispers as we near the building. I nod and start to flicker the cameras in the building before shutting them off completely. I give them a slight thumbs up as we move towards the building. Ryan runs to the door to grab it before it closes and holds it open for a bunch of people walking in and then us. It makes him seem gentleman-like and fitting of the government role. Once we are all inside, we match the pace of everyone around us, spreading out enough it doesn't look like we are together. Everyone is walking so quickly and my feet are killing me from the heels already. Maia leads us in the direction of the oval, but as we move along less and less people are around us. By the time we are in the hallway before the hallway that will take us to his office it's just us and one other person.

"What year are you?" One of the girl's asks Shawn. He glances momentarily back at Kacey before answering.

"First, I just started here," he tells her. "What about you?"

"I'm first," she says, raising her eyebrows. "I don't remember ever seeing you at the first year meetings." I hold my breath and keep walking at the fast pace.

"I skip those a lot," he says. I just want to bang my head against the wall because you wouldn't just skip these meetings. The girl is quite obviously suspicious and turns down another hallway.

"Shawn!" Everett exclaims quietly. At least I'm not the only one banging my head against the wall. He shrugs and we keep walking. As we turn down the hallway with only 3 rooms I hold my breath. We get caught now we have no excuse. This is all down to our powers. The 3 rooms, if I recall correctly, belong to the Vice President, the President and the Chief of Staff. The Chief of Staff being Eric Hilton. Being Maia's Dad. We're treading on thin ice right now and my nerves are flying everywhere. I'm afraid I'm going to lose control of the cameras so I make a split decision. I already have a hold of the electricity of the cameras and they are being pulled, but I decide to cut them, I pull it until it breaks. I've never done it before and it's like a blow to my head. I'm momentarily dizzy, but soon enough I regain my balance and I know that the cameras are broken for now. As we walk past the first door belonging to the Vice President I hold my breath. The security guards at the other end of the hallway in front of the president's office watches us curiously. I can tell Ryan is already trying to work his magic, but 2 people at once is usually a challenge for him. As we walk past Maia's Dad's office I'm so scared he's going to see us and come out.

"Name?" the security guard barks at us as we approach him. Come on Ryan. Kacey shows her fake pass while Ryan works his influence. All he has to do is get that one guard to say we can go in. His eyes are squinted tight. "You don't have authorization to be here." The guard says.

"We are just bringing some information by," Kacey tells him. I have no idea what she's doing with her illusions or if it's Ryan's emotions but he steps out of the way, unlocking the door with his pass. Kacey walks in followed by Ryan. As I start to walk through the door a voice calls out stopping me in my tracks.

"Maia?" I curse so many times, but we planned for this and even if we didn't want to we have to go through with it. And fast. I turn to the guard on my right placing my hand on his shoulder, seeping electricity throughout his whole body. He stumbles backwards falling against the wall, left in a state of shock that will only last a couple minutes. Ryan and Kacey are inside already looking for the actual file while the rest of us take care of everything out here. I go to electrify the other guard to my right, but Everett already has him pinned with his telekinesis. Maia on the other hand is frozen in her place, staring dumb founded at her father. "I told you not to come here." He tells her, looking horrified at the two dumbfounded security members. "Security we need backup!" he yells back down the hall. We don't have long before news spreads and everyone is here. If Maia won't do it I have to. I find the electric currents surrounding her Dad easily and send a shock through him causing him to fall forward, grasping his chest. Everett makes him fly through the air, pinning him to the wall at the other end of the hallway, unlike anything I've ever seen him do. Maia watches almost as dumbfounded as the guards, so Shawn picks her up and we go into the President's office. Shawn holds the door closed in case someone tries to open it, while we go to help look for the file. There is a whole wall, ceiling to ground filled with top secret files. The President himself seems to be in a daze and I don't have to question that Kacey is giving him such illusions.

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