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Luna walked among the grass, enjoying the feel of it. It seemed like forever since she went outside, even though it was only a day.

Everytime she stays inside for too long, Luna would feel suffocated. As she wandered across the grassy area, she did not see a green eyed gaze on her, watching with interest.

Aidan's POV

As he watched Luna walk around, kody cane up to Aiden. "Dad, what's up with her? When will she be leaving?,"

"Soon, kody. Only a couple more weeks before she is healed enough to leave" Aiden replied. "Okay, but why did you save her in the first place?"

Aiden frowned. He'd given that question a lot of thought, but he still had now answer. He just... Felt drawn to her...

Whoa! Remember Romeo and Juliet. They were star crossed lovers and everything went wrong with them. I can't think of Luna that way.

Kody was waiting for an answer "you know me. She was injured and I just had to help her! "

Kody looked suspicious. "Yeah sure dad" Kody left to gods know where and Aiden continued watching her.

He still know convinced himself that it was for her safety. Yeah right. I just wanted to get a good look at her.

Than she frowned. Something was wrong.

Luna's POV

Luna was just enjoying the fresh air when she smelled him. Not Aiden. He was probably inside. Luna smelled my ex. What the hell was he doing around here?

Luna itched to turn into wolf form, but she held back. She had to tell Aiden. It was too late. Her ex zach, the one who cheated on her a few years ago, is right in front of her.

"What do you want? " Luna asked harshly. She snarled at him. "What do you think I want? " Zach asked., holding his hands up in a submissive gesture, but I knew better. "I want you back"

Luna rolled her eyes "NOT gonna happen. If you hadn't cheated on me, then we would've been together. But you died. I'm not taking you back. The end."

"Look, I... I only cheated on you because----" Zach started, but she interrupted him "because I wouldn't fuck you? Is that it? Well excuse me if I want to wait until I'm sure that I'm with the right guy until I do it. I just don't fuck anybody. Actually, I'm glad you cheated on me. You showed me what a hopeless bitch you are. Now leave before I get angry"

Zach didn't heed Luna's warning "so your gonna wait until your married? Do you already have someone in mind?"

Luna thought of Aiden, but shook my head "no" At that, Zach smirked. "You know you are a terrible liar. Who is he?"

Ok. That it. This guy is going down, wound or no wound. Luna was about to turn when Aiden appeared next to me "That's enough Luna. You don't want to injure yourself even worse. It's not even worth it"

Luna reluctantly backed down. Zach stared at Aiden. "Who the fuck is this? Is he----" Luna interrupted him before he could finish "NO!" I'm pretty sure my face was red, and not from anger.

"I'm the guy who's going to kick your ass if you don't get out of here" Aiden replied, glaring at him, eyes glowing a bit.

Zach gave me one last look, like, you are a. Terrible liar. I'll find you later' and took off,  and Luna finally breathed a sigh of relief. Aiden turned to me "who was her? "

"Oh, no one. Just a cheater, that's all. He wanted me back and I said very clearly I wouldn't take him."

Aiden frowned "why would he cheat on you? " Aiden made it sound like it was the worst thing to do. which it was.

"It's because I wouldn't... Roll around the bed with him. Ugh. I'd rather wait until I know the guy I'm dating will be with me forever. I'm not like other girls, ones who'd fuck anyone. I'm more of a one time girl"

"What if you get drunk, though?" I stared at him "I don't intend to touch one drink"

Aiden frowned. What was that look that guy gave you? It looked serious " I mentally freaked out. If he found out....

"He know I'm a terrible liar, and I am. He asked me if I had someone in mind"

Aidan's bright green eyes seemed to stare into me. "And do you?" I considered evading or telling a lie, but I spoke before I could think it through. "Yes I do"

"And who is it? " Aiden asked

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