#5 weird intense morning

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Sorry that I haven't been updating Ive been caught up with school work and all bc all this Corona stuff so I hope y'all enjoy this and stay safe :)- [a/n]
It's been a few days since what Happened at the karaoke bar. "I'm glad today is Saturday..." Ayumi said before hearing a buzz from her phone. "Satoshi?" Ayumi said as she picked up the phone "ayumi! Oh good I'm glad you picked up the phone!" Satoshi said he sounded worried and little frightened "what's wrong?" I asked "i-its Yoshiki... he's not coming out of his room...he been saying something about a woman was after him" the brown head said through the phone. I was shocked about that to be honest, did the man's words sank into yoshiki's brain? "I'll be there soon pls try to calm him down" I instructed. Satoshi did a "mhm" sound and hung up. "Why does my day have to start off like this?" I asked my self i put on her normal uniform and passed by my sister hinoe with a quick "good bye" and That's when I started heading to yoshiki's place.

[Skip time]

I stopped at yoshiki's place a knocked on the door, I swiftly opened by Satoshi who seemed to look worried and fustrated...was Yoshiki that scared this morning? ''oh Finally you came!" Satoshi said before grabbing my hand and pulling me inside the place "eh?!" I said shocked by how fast he was moving. He led me to yoshiki's room and slowly backed up ''why you backing up?" I asked "you'll see..." He mumbled. I slowly moved my hand to the door handle and slowly turned the knob. I opened the door good enough to pop my head in the gasped. Right there Yoshiki was sitting on his bed shaking mumbling, and soon as I was about to speak he threw something near my head which meant to get out of his room. So I moved my head back and closed the door gasping and shocked and confused all in one. "What the fuck?! That was almost my head that he hit!" I said "he did the same to me as well" Satoshi added "but why is he acting like this? This isn't him AT ALL!" Satoshi said "NO! NO!! GO AWAY GO AWAY!" we herd Yoshiki say through the door, we instantly open the door and ran in "YOSHIKI!" we both said. Yoshiki was panting for air while looking scared "Yoshiki what's wrong good damn it!" Satoshi said ''s-she t-the p-paper doll!" Yoshiki stuttered between breaths while pointing at his bag. I walked up to his school bag and went through it to find a paper doll that looked very very old. "Huh? Yoshiki where you find this?" I asked Yoshiki gulped and started talking "I found it in my bag that day when I fell down the steps" I started thinking "I'll take it with me so I can figure this out" I said "n-NO! SHE WILL KILL YOU! SHE ALMOST FUCKING KILLED ME IN THE SCIENCE LAB GOD DAMN IT!" Yoshiki yelled. "Yoshiki calm down!'' Satoshi said "YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!" Yoshiki said in a desperate way. I sighed "Yoshiki you barely slept pls sleep I'll be back with info about this "she"" I said "EHY CAN'T YOU BELIEVE ME GOD DAMN IT!" Yoshiki said "I do....I just need to find more info" i said Yoshiki paused right there he didn't know what to say anymore "I'm glad that you agree" I said "I'll be back soon" I added before walking out of the room and heading to the library where I could do more research.
But one thing that stayed in my head...who was her? And why was Yoshiki scared?...

corpse party: The Paper Doll [fanfic + Non Cannon]Where stories live. Discover now