Backstage and locked away

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The music began, as Madame Frichosiasada was walking down the stairs with her boyfriend " Gordon sponslki ", the famous Fashion model. Madame Frichosiasada was wearing a long neck black dress with a half cut at the back, and she is wearing a heavy pearl necklace with a beige purse, and red like vampire red lipstick.

The papparrazi ran towards them...Click ..Click, pictures were took,  Questions were asken!

When there was a question asked she quickly gave them a pose and walked away, as if she owns everything. " Ms Meyer..? " she paused for a moment turned back and posed for the camera, " Have you..arranged everything for the runway. What are you doing here go backstage and get the models ready! ". " I gave a fake smile and went backstage, " Ladies, Please get in your cloth wear, and makeup, as we are about to begin ". Amy.. one of the models, was walking towards me in her thong and strapless pink bra. " Ms Meyer, you look very gorgeous, i can not find my hair straightner anywhere " she said, " Hi, might be inside the cupboard, let me check " I said, i opened the cupboard and checked on the top and bottom shelf.

" Lets see how you look!, when your trapped inside the cupboard! " Amy said whispering in my ears. As the minute i turned around, she slammed the cupboard door on my face, " Help Help, how dare you Amy!!! " i screamt, but no-one heard me. I strated crying and shouting i hate this job, why does everyone treat me like this....

I wish i could teach them a lesson, why can't i just live my life, in the first place i wanted to be a famous designer, and i just wanted people to praise my talent, i know i can't be fashionable but atleast i can desgin. Owww...something poked me, i whispered. I put my hands near my dress and tried to find it, scrached me, i took it out and it was this long pointy sharp thing, i wondered if i could open the cupboard locks with this, i just need to wiggle it a little inside the keyhole, i tried it...and "BANG" the lock fell down and the cupboard opened. I tried to come outside but my dress was stuck, so i snatched it a little.....Slesshh!!, My dress ripped. " Owww Noo, what am i going to do now, i can't go outside looking like this " i said as if i was going to faint. I looked at myself in the mirror and thinked, i turned towards the door and saw an extra dress..." Wow, can i wear this " i said to myself. It is a beautiful black and red strapless dress with shiny diamonds, as i slipped it on, i curled my hair, and tabbed on orange blush with Baby pink lipstick and black mascara....wait! I went back to the dress, haven't i designed this dress for tonights runway gala, Oww Shit, i was inside the main outfit of the day...As i was trying to take it of, assistents came in the changing room and held my hands and took me to the runway, " You are on in 5 4 3 2 1!, go " she said..." No wait this is a mis-understanding i am not a model" I said while i said that she pushed me towards the runway.

OKAY Sandra you can do this, you have seen way too many runway projects, as i began to walk, Ms. Frichosiasada strared at me like an angry bird, i gave her sorry eyes,

And started walking....the music began, My favorite song " Legendary lovers " Katy perry, the song i listend too in my car.

I walked with a great walk.

In the first image, i crossed my feet appropriatley.

The 2nd image i posed for the whole piece.

I twirled around elegantly to reveal the details at the back.

Then i turned back walked, stopped then smiled, i winked at Ms. Frichosia

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