The sickness - Sweaflicauis

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I was tired, i felt weak, i didn't want to get up somehow. I closed my eyes shut and tried to rest but i couldnt, there was sweat running through my cheeks and my fever was running high. I decided to call the doctor, i carry all of the important people contacts, and i checked for Dr. Calibar. I saw his name and phone number rang him up.

The conversation

Me: Hello, this is Ms. Meyer, calling for Dr. Calibar may i talk to him.

Receptionist: Good Afternoon, please tell me your name again and i will hook the line up too him.

Me: Thank you, it is Ms. Meyer.

Dr. Calibar: Good afternoon Ms. Meyer how are you doing?, is there any problem.

Me: Hello, i have high temperature of fever and i am sweating like crazy in the same time.

Dr. Calibar: Yes..Yes, you hve something that's called " Sweaflucauis", i will send you sime type of medicine which is called " flu estrane ", you will become better in know time.

Me: Ok, thank you doctor Calibar, my address is 4445 blueberry lane; oxford center.

I felt much better hearing that, i was waiting for the medicine to arrive, while i was waiting i ate some of my homemade bran with milk and a warm cup of hot coca. Ring ring...ring..ring, " i think the medicine is here ". I opened the door and this man in an blue polo shirt with black khankis and his hair was tied into a ponytail. " hello mam-mm-m, this is your medicine Dr. Calibar asked me to give you this, is this the correct address. I checked it, " yes it is, thank you ". I slapped the door when back into the living room, i was reading the back label of the bottle for instructions, while pouring some of the flu estrane into a tiny tiny cup. It said. Adults twice a day when having breakfast and dinner.
I tablespoon.

I had my gulped down my medicine while pressing my nose that's the only way to drink it for me..i don't know about you guys. " i hope i feel better by tonight's party, and i already brought my dress ", i rested for about 30 minutes because i have to get up and get ready. I got up from the comfy yellow sofa, i went upstairs and got changed into my oranfe and blue monkey pajama, i jumped onto the bed, i took out a book out of my bag and started reading it, it was called " dark of the dawn ", while reading it for 4 minutes i fell alsleep...

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