Chapter 2 - The Hospital Visit

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Hi! I am looking for Nicole Tyler.
Nicole Tyler? Right this way sir.
You follow the nurse into Room 147
My name is Emily. I've been looking out for Nicole since last week when she was checked in.
Nice to meet you Emily. Call me Jake.
Nice to meet you Jake.
I don't think I've seen you visit Nicole before. She gives you a skeptical look.
She's an old friend. I just wanted to drop by to see her again.
I see, that's nice of you.
You hear the intercom calling for all available nurses. It mentioned something about a code blue
Oh shoot I have to go!
Emily runs off
You head inside Room 147. You see Nicole sitting up, watching television. She then turns to you, looking at you emotionlessly
Nic-Nic? Is that you?
You stare at her. Quite shocked actually. She looked so different when she was younger
"Nic-Nic"? Who's that? Do you know me? She gives you a weird look.
What do you mean? It's me, your best friend, Jake Riechel.
Jake Riechel?..
Forgive me Jake. I don't know who you are at all. I've suffered from amnesia before I was brought here. So if you do know me, please tell me what role you played in my life.
(What? 😕)
You look at her for a moment in disbelief
We had great times in middle school Nicole. I miss you so much..
Since middle school?
Please tell me what you know Jake...
I need whatever help I can to get back my memories.
I'll do whatever I can to help you Nicole.
Let me tell you a story about chemistry back in middle school..

Text Conversation
October 24, 2018

Nicole: Hey Jake..
Jake: What's up Nic?
Nicole: I'm struggling with general science class right now. 😝
Jake: But I thought you were smart though. 😂
Nicole: Haha! Of course I am bro. It's just chemistry that's getting on my nerves. Cross division to be exact.
Jake: Cross division? It's not so hard to think about if you know how to approach the problem Nic.
Nicole: Really? Okay smartypants help me with chemistry. 😛
Jake: Yes I got you covered.
Nicole: Thanks Jake.
Nicole: My question here is... how do you convert moles to grams?
Jake: This is a tricky one actually. Let me tell you a formula you should always remember.
Jake: Grams of the substance / Moles of the substance = Molar Mass of the substance / One mole
Nicole: Wow you really are smart Jake! The formula works for all the questions.
Jake: Like I said, I got your back covered Nic-Nic. 
Nicole: I've been thinking about what you said when we first met at the beginning of the school year...
Jake: What is it?
Nicole: I'm starting to get interested in chemistry because of you Jake.
Nicole: But do you think I really have what it takes to be a good chemist?
Nicole: I mean.. It's so different from the math equations I'm used to in pre-algebra.
Nicole: Too much word problems involved here.
Jake: Oh come on now Nic-Nic. You're a smart girl you got this.
Jake: And I really did mean it when I said that you'll make a good chemist. 😉
Nicole: Maybe someday but it'll only be because of you. 😂
Nicole: You know what Jake? 
Jake: What is it Nic?
Nicole: You've always been there for me when I need you.
Nicole: You're the only cool and funny guy friend I know in this school.
Jake: If you can't jelium and you can't curium, you might as well barium. 😂
Nicole: Hahaha terrible!
Nicole: But I like it.
Nicole: Do you want to be more than friends?
Jake: What- deletes
            Eww no- deletes
            Do you mean as girlfriend- deletes
            What do you mean?
Nicole: As in "besties"
Jake: Oh. I see. Sure! 😄
Nicole: Awesome! 😁
Nicole: I declare you, Jake Riechel, as my new bestfriend. 😊
Jake: Awesome! I'll always be there for you alright buddy? 😉
Nicole: Oh you know it man. I have to go now Jake..
Nicole: I'll see you later I guess. 😊
Jake: Good night Nic. 😁
This was a flashback

So Jake, you were the one that got me interested in chemistry?
Well, yeah, back then at least.
Wow... If only I could remember..
Hmm... How about this?
What are the three chemical bonds?
Umm... Ionic, covalent and metallic? Why?
Wrong answer.
Huh? What do you mean?
It was ionic, covalent and James Bond
Oh was it now?
She was trying her best to smile
That was the answer I gave you back in middle school.
I see.
You sit next to her
Can we talk about things?
About what?
First of all, I want to ask... How much have you forgotten about your past?
Well all I remember is what happened when I was 5...
It was my birthday.. I had a great time with friends and family...
And now I'm here...
Really? Wow Nicole I'm sorry.
You saw tears building up in her eyes
I just want to remember who I am you know?
It hurts so much knowing that you were close to someone before and now you can't even think of them because you have no memories of them.
It's like I don't even have a purpose in this world anymore...
Nicole was wiping away her tears with both hands
What happened exactly?
Emily told me that I got hit by a car last week and that I almost died...
They said I was so blessed because I had little chance of surviving the impact...
They also said that my heart stopped and that I needed to be shocked to make sure I lived...
I should be happy you know? Because I survived and all..
But I just can't...
She continued to cry...
You wrap your arms around her
I'm so sorry I left you Nicole...
I never should have left my best friend behind when she needed me most.
What do you mean?
I made you cry the day before I left...
Because you couldn't accept that I was leaving...
Now, I promise I won't ever leave you again Nicole...
You stop embracing her and grab the letter which you stored away in your back pocket
What's that behind you?
It's the letter I sent you years ago before I moved out.
I promised that I would always write you everyday..
But I waited for your reply...
Since I never got a letter back, I assumed that I must've sent it to the wrong address...
And so I gave up.
However, I had no idea you were still around...
When I heard about what happened to you, I was shocked. Worried I should say. I'm just so happy to see you in good shape Nic-Nic.
You hand the letter over to Nicole
Nicole stares at the letter and inspects it on both sides
What have I forgotten Jake?
What made us best friends?
Can you please help me Jake?
That letter I gave you contains everything you need to know about me.
I could tell you what I know but I want you to absorb everything slowly.
Nicole... even if you don't remember me, do you trust me?
Yes Jake I do... even if I don't know who you are at all.
Because I have the feeling that you were important in my life. Even if there's no reason for me to trust you right now, my heart says something different.
You: Thank you for trusting me Nicole. I promise I'll help you remember again...
You reach out to embrace her, she reciprocates
She felt so warm. Hugging her felt like home
You: 🎶 When I am down, and oh my so weary. When troubles come, and my heart burdened be... Then, I am still and waiting in the silence... Until you come, and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas. I am strong, when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up.. To more than I could be... 🎶
Nicole is staring at you, surprised about the song you just sang for her
That was beautiful Jake...
I used to sing to you in middle school...
It was one of your favorite songs...
Was it now?
Yes it was..
I want to keep in touch with you again. Just like I should've done so a long time ago...
I lost my phone Jake.
Don't worry Nicole. I'll find you online sometime...
But for now, I want to tell you a story about something funny we did back then...

Flashback: November 24, 2018
Text Conversation

Jake: Hey Nic. 😁
Nicole: Hey Jake! 😁
Jake: You know Brad from computer class?
Nicole: Yeah what about him?
Jake: We should totally prank him. 😂
Nicole: Really dude? 😂
Nicole: And exactly what do you have in mind?
Jake: I'm going to install a jumpscare program on the computer that Brad always uses. 😂
Nicole: Jake... You know what? 😂
Jake: Yes Nic?
Nicole: Count me in. 😏
Nicole: Brad usually comes to class first so I'll distract him while you hack his computer.
Jake: Thanks Nicole. This is going to be great. 😂
Nicole: Totally dude. 😂
Nicole: When are we doing this by the way?
Jake: I already have my program with me so how about tomorrow before class?
Nicole: Sounds good Jake. 😀
Nicole: Do you think it's gonna work?
Jake: Of course it will. Brad gets easily scared. 😂
Nicole: Haha! 😂
Nicole: Dude you know what else I'm gonna do?
Jake: What is it Nic?
Nicole: I'm gonna sneak a digital camera inside.
Nicole: That way, we can catch his reaction on the spot. 😂
Jake: That's a great idea. 😂
Jake: Don't tell me you're gonna upload it online.
Nicole: No way man that's going way too far. 😂
Nicole: I'll just show it to you and my friends. 😏
Jake: Make sure you get a good angle Nic-Nic. 😂
Nicole: I will dude I will. 😂
Nicole: I gotta go help my parents out now. See you later Jake. 😊
Jake: See ya. 😊

So we were pranksters then?...
Yeah... We were...
Well... It's nice to know there was someone I had a great time with then.
It's just that... I don't know... Things have changed.
What do you mean?
Like... I don't know... I said something about change being hard because... ugh... I'm confused..
You: (The Nicole I knew then loved change.)
You: (Is she saying she hates it now?)
Well anyways, thanks for helping me Jake. Even though I don't remember anything from the past that you mentioned.
Anytime Nic-Nic. 
You: (She doesn't remember why I left her.)
You: (What if she does though?)
You hear multiple footsteps approaching from behind
Jake? Is that you?
You turn around
Mr. Tyler? Mrs. Tyler? Long time no see.
Nicole's Mom gives you a hug
You've grown up so much dear. Wow you look so much older.
You shake Nicole's Dad's hand
It's been years son. Glad you could visit my daughter again.
They ask you about life in high school. After a few minutes, they change the subject to Nicole's memories
So has Jake told you anything about his past with you Nikki?
Well... He told me quite a lot actually.
He said he got me into chemistry and that we were pranksters back in middle school.
I see.
Her dad turns to you
Thanks for helping my daughter out son. We really appreciate it.
It's nothing.
You hear a nurse walk in
Hey everyone! I got great news.
Everyone turns to her
Nicole is getting discharged today! It seems that her bruises have healed enough and her internal bleeding has stopped.
Her family cheers while you smile at Nicole. Nicole smiles back
In regards to her amnesia though...
Nicole should be able to recover them in two years, but if you help her recover them everyday, she should remember everything before the end of April.
Thanks for looking out for her Emily.
It's my pleasure.
Nicole's parents leave the hospital and you head towards your car
"Bye Jake." said Nicole's mom.
Bye Mrs. Tyler.
You drive yourself home
A few days later, you search for Nicole Tyler online and find her within a few hours

: March 19, 2020
Text Conversation

Jake: What's cooking Nic?
Nicole: Not much.
Nicole: Guess what?
Jake: You already read my letter?
Nicole: Yes I did...
Nicole: A lot of phrases you used... I recognize some of them. And reading them sometimes gives me headaches.
Jake: Are you remembering things Nicole?
Nicole: Yeah dude. I'm kind of overwhelmed right now.
Nicole: There was this quote I have back in middle school.
Jake: Really? Let's hear it!
Nicole: This is what I said:
Nicole: "Life is like a story"
Nicole: You have to get out there and live life to the fullest because you never know when your final moments are. It could be tomorrow, it could be in decades, or it could even be now.
Nicole: That's why it's up to you whether you want to get out there and fill your story with memories or regret later wondering what you could've done then to enjoy your life.
Jake: Your words inspired me back then Nic-Nic.
Nicole: I never knew I have that quote to you Jake. Wow I'm so excited to learn about who I was then.
Jake: Take it in slowly Nicole. I don't expect you to remember everything right away.
Nicole: Yeah you're right. I should be taking it easy. My head hurts like hell when I try to force it.
Nicole: Anyways, I also saw a name I didn't recognize in the letter. It was...
Jake: Was it Kate Riechel?
Nicole: Yeah. You guys have the same last name. Are you related?
Jake: Yeah. She's my sister. And you were her best friend. It was through her that I became friends with you Nicole.
Nicole: Hmmm... Interesting.
Nicole: Anyways, this letter Jake... It's so powerful..
Nicole: I don't know how to describe it Jake..
Jake: Our friendship letter I wrote was for you and my sister. We were best friends and I didn't want you to forget either one of us.
Nicole: I was best friends with you and your sister back then? 😮
Jake: Yes Nic-Nic. Kate and I hung out with you a lot. You were there for my sister on her special day 4 years ago. Kate loved hanging out with you so much and you were so close to her. Me hanging out with you, my sister, and Brad was one of the best moments of my life.
Nicole: Wow dude. Now I'm so pumped to learn about you and Kate.
Nicole: It's just... that name though. Kate Riechel. That sounds so familiar now that I think about it. When i try to think about our past friendship that we both had, I get these familiar feelings of life in elementary school and middle school...
Jake: Do you remember Kate Riechel?
Nicole: Yes! I remember your sister so well. I loved her so much. I remember when I was there for Kate on her birthday back in 2016 and when I have her that golden wall clock. She called me out on the fake gold 😂. She invited so many people over. Man good times. Wow I can't believe I'm finally remembering this!
This isn't right...
Jake: Yeah. I did...
This just isn't right...
Jake: I'm so confused right now..
Nicole: Dude is everything alright? 😕
Why do I still have feelings for her...
Jake: I'm fine. Don't worry. I was just thinking...
Jake: Didn't anyone else besides your family visit you at the hospital?
Nicole: No. No one else did. Why?
Jake: My sister goes to your school and she wanted to know a bit about your past and who you were with before the accident.
Nicole: Oh really now? Kate hasn't talked to me yet but I should totally ask her what she knows about me after spring break.
Jake: Do the names Mark Blythe and Mike Fisher ring a bell to you?
Nicole: Who are they? I've never heard of those names before.
Nicole: Do you know who they are?
If Nicole doesn't know about Mark or Mike, then that means neither of them visited her at the hospital. Or at the very least, they didn't try to make her remember again. I gotta tell Kate later
Jake: No but my sister does.
Jake: I mean I don't want to sound like a stalker or anything but I heard that Mark Blythe was your best friend and Mike Fisher was your ex-boyfriend.
Nicole: Don't worry dude. You're helping me recover my memories anyways so just tell me anything you know about the people I've been with before.
Nicole: Anyways, I would've known them by now if they visited me at the hospital.
Nicole: They would've told me who they were and I'd be in contact with them. Except...
You: Except what? 
Nicole: I'm not in contact with any of them...
You: (What?)
You whisper it out loud
Jake: That is so weird if you ask me Nicole. If they were close to you, wouldn't they at least have tried to remind you why they were in your life? 
Nicole: Dude now that you think about it, you're right.
Nicole: But honestly, like, thinking about this is really getting my head spinning.
Nicole: Dammit Jake my head hurts now. 😝
Jake: This is my fault. I made you think too hard. 😣
Nicole: Hey it's not your fault dude. I just need time to remember everything. What you've told me so far is very useful by the way.
Nicole: And I just want to say thanks for visiting me at the hospital. You were the only one besides my parents that visited me. 😊
Jake: Of course Nic. 😁
Nicole: I was just curious about something Jake.
Nicole: You seemed like you had a thing for me at the hospital. Correct me if I'm wrong. But things have probably changed right? Do you have a girlfriend?
Jake: Yes I do. I just miss you haha. 😂
Nicole: Oh okay.
Nicole: I was just so confused haha. 😂
Jake: Confused about what?
Nicole: It's just...
Nicole: Nevermind.
Nicole: Anyways, I gotta go now Jake. I'll see you later ok.
Jake: Bye Nic. 😊

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