Chapter 3 - The Plan

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Jake's Phone
Text Conversation
March 21th, 2020

Kate: Hey Jake. 😊
Jake: Hey sis.
Kate: How was your visit at the hospital Jake? 
Jake: I was able to tell Nicole about our past. Then a few days later, I told her about your past with her and the letter I wrote her.
Kate: That's amazing Jake. 😁
Jake: Yeah I guess so.
Kate: Okay I'm like getting bad vibes from you right now Jake. Are you alright?
Jake: Not really. It's because...
Jake: I realize that I still have feelings for her. Or at least they came back since I visited her again.
Kate: Woah. Really? 😕
Jake: Yeah and it just doesn't feel right.
Jake: I did something at the hospital.
Kate: What did you do Jake?
Jake: I got too emotionally attached to her again. I sang to her and hugged her as if I still had feelings for her in the past.
Jake: And I'm afraid that I lead her on. She's probably starting to have feelings for me again and it just isn't right because...
Jake: I already have a girlfriend and there are two guys that are interested in her right now, both of them I don't even know.
Jake: I don't know what I got myself into sis. 😥
Kate: Jake... 😦
Kate: I'm so sorry I got you into this mess.. I thought too much about our past with you, me and Nicole. The thing is, I just wanted to bring back the good old times. When our family was whole and our childhood friends were still there for us.
Jake: It's not your fault sis. It was because you convinced me to see Nicole again that I was finally able to deliver the letter. I don't know what stopped me but when I heard about the accident, I couldn't help but get myself to finally see her again.
Kate: I just hope that this doesn't cause any rift in your relationship with your girlfriend..
Jake: Don't worry sis. I'll make sure that doesn't happen.
Kate: In case of anything, I'll be there to help and support you. You hear?
Jake: Thanks sis. 😊
Kate: Anyways.. Did you get any news on what happened to Mark and Mike?
Jake: Oh yeah sis! About that!
Jake: Apparently, neither Mark or Mike visited Nicole at the hospital.
Kate: Wait what? 😕
Jake: Because if they did, Nicole would've remembered their names at the very least. She told me that she never heard of either of them. And I know she would tell me if she did because both of her parents trust me.
Kate: That really is odd Jake...
Jake: Well, I've done my part. You at least kept in contact with Nicole right?
Kate: Yeah I did. I texted her yesterday.
Kate: I was like "Hey Nic do you remember me?" and then i said "You were there for me on my special day 4 years ago."
Kate: Turns out she already remembers me! 😁
Kate: You told Nikki about me didn't you?
Jake: Yeah I did sis. And you were in the letter as well. I made sure to include you.
Kate: Thanks Jake. You don't even know how much this means to me right now.
Kate: Nicole was always there for me when I needed her most and to learn that she completely forgot about me was probably one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever heard in my life. I'm just so happy that her memories were never truly lost.
Jake: Nicole's nurse told me that if her family and friends helped her recover her memories, she'd be able to remember everything by the end of next month. By that, she meant by the end of April. 😁
Kate: This is great news Jake. 😄
Jake: Indeed it is.
Kate: You know what I think we should do?
Jake: What do we do?
Kate: Let's interview both of them.
Kate: We need to know why they decided not to visit Nikki even though they were supposedly close to her.
Kate: What do you say Jake?
Jake: Count me in sis.

Later today, you check online to learn more about Mark Blythe and Mike Fisher.
After an hour of investigating, you realize that Mark Blythe doesn't even have a Facebook account. Meanwhile, you message Mike Fisher but he hasn't responded, but what intrigued you more was Mark Blythe's past.
He had kept himself very hidden online. He had no Facebook account, no Instagram account, or anything of the like.
But then another hour later, you found an anonymous Twitter account user that went to your sister's school.
His posts were making you frown in curiosity.
You: (Who's Nic? And is he writing a confession post? 😟)
You read one of his posts

I never should've forced myself on you Nic. I should've been content of what we had. You almost died because of me. I can't bare myself to see you ever again. I'm not worthy of that title you gave me when you declared me as your best friend. When I went to the hospital, I talked to your nurse, Emily, and asked about how you were doing. She told me that you had amnesia and that the only way I could ever restore our friendship was if I reminded you again about what role I played in your life. I was told that recovering your memories would be easy. That you would completely remember me again by the end of next month. But I don't want you to remember me again Nic. I don't want you to remember how much I hurt you, how much I made you feel alone, how much I manipulated you when you said you couldn't love me back. That's why I decided to leave our school and move far far away. I know that one day you'll remember me again. You'll ask yourself... "Where did my best friend go?" If you want to see me again, come find me. But I don't want to see you. You once told me that we were better off as just friends and I should've listened. But now, your memories are gone and all your family and friends are grieving over your health. Once you're ready to talk to me again, come find me. We'll settle things once and for all. But like I've said earlier, I don't want to see you.

After you saw this, you immediately texted Kate

Jake: Hey sis you gotta see this...
Kate: See what Jake? 😮
Jake: Mark Blythe made an anonymous Twitter account. His username is all numbers and letters.
Kate: How did you know it was him?
Jake: He kept mentioning the name 'Nic' and he clearly mentioned the accident and Nicole's nurse.
Jake: You should go read it. I sent you a link in your email so you can easily go back to it.
Kate: Alright I'm checking...
Kate checked the mail
Kate: Oh my gosh Jake. That post was so sad. 😥
Kate: Mark Blythe sounded so remorseful... As if he wanted to take back what he did then.
Kate: Mark loved Nicole so much that he was willing to let her go so he wouldn't hurt her again.
You: (Just like what I did back then...)
Jake: I would've done the same too if I were in his shoes.
Kate: The worst part was that Nikki was almost within his reach and he decided to back out when she was literally right in front of him... 😔
Kate: They seem to have a powerful love story, or a great history with each other at least.
Kate: I also want to know if there was anything else about Nicole's past, did you talk to Mike Fisher?
Jake: I did but he never replied.
Kate: Maybe he ignored you on purpose because he doesn't know you.
Jake: Who knows?
Kate: I'll text him soon. He knows me and he's in my class so he should respond.
Jake: Good luck sis.
Jake: And I'll try to contact Mark Blythe myself if I can find him.
Kate: It's settled then.
Kate: News on both sides by next week?
Jake: You can count on me sis. Tell me what you find about Mike Fisher soon as well.
Kate: I will Jake.
Jake: See ya. 😁

End of Chapter 3

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