Chapter 5 - Her Memories

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Jake's Phone
Text Conversation
March 27th, 2020
05:37 pm

Jake: Hey Nicole...
Nicole: Hey Jake. How are you?
Nicole: Are you okay?
Jake: No I'm not. I'm worried for you.
Nicole: Jake... If it's about the letter you gave me, don't worry too much about it. I know you sent it to me a few years back and that I just barely received it a few days ago but what's important is that you were still able to deliver it anyways.
Nicole: You came back for me when I felt like I was alone at the hospital and that's all that matters okay?
Jake: I don't know what to say but if you're telling me that I shouldn't be worried then okay i guess. My concern though is not really about the letter however.
Nicole: Really? So what's bothering you Jake?
You: (Should I tell her I love her?...)
You: (No, I can't... It'll break her...)
Jake: I.. I don't know Nicole...
Nicole: You can tell me anything Jake. You and your sister have helped me so much in recovering my memories and I don't think I can ever thank you guys enough for being there for me when I needed someone to lean on.
Nicole: So cmon Jake, don't be shy. What is it?
You take a deep breath
Jake: I know who Mark Blythe is Nic.
Nicole: You know about Mark Blythe?
Nicole: Tell me dude... What do you know about him?
Jake: Remembered when I told you that Mark was your best friend? I've learned a little bit about him. He wrote about you anonymously online.
Nicole: Really? He did? What did he say?
You: (I need to tell her the truth. Even if it hurts. But to be honest, I'm scared of how she'll react. What if I'm the one that's scared?..)
You take another deep breath and start typing
Jake: Mark loved you so much.
Jake: By now, you know that he's not in school anymore right?
Nicole: I don't know who he is. If he was my best friend, he would've talked to me by now. Why didn't he talk to me? 😔
Nicole: If Mark really was my best friend, he would've visited me at the hospital. Or if he couldn't, he would've at least helped me remember once school started again. Or maybe even just leave a text.
Nicole: It's so frustrating. I just don't understand why he would leave me when I needed him most. 😭 Don't get me wrong Jake.  I really appreciate you for being here for me. But I won't feel complete until I remember everyone I've been close to, everyone I've cared for, and everyone I've felt happy to share my experiences with.
Jake: Do you have anything that reminds you of him?
Nicole: Well... My chemistry book has Mark Blythe's signature on it. He also wrote I made it special on the first page. Whenever I read it, I get these familiar feelings. Even if I don't remember anything about why he was important to me, I have a feeling that he was a great guy.
You: (Wasn't there a quote about remembering feelings?)
Jake: Nic. Can you describe those feelings?
Nicole: I don't know dude. I'll try my best to think.
Jake: You don't have to think about this Nic. I just thought to myself, what if you got your memories back in a different way?
Jake: There's this quote I got from Maya Angelou.
Jake: People don't remember what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel.
Nicole: I guess that's a good place to start...
Nicole: Thanks dude. 😄
Jake: No problem Nic. 😀
Nicole: Jake can we talk about things?
Jake: Sure Nic. What is it? 😮
Nicole: Ever since you visited me at the hospital, I've been having these flashbacks. My head hurts so much everytime I slowly start to remember who you are and the fun times we had in middle school.
Nicole: I checked my timeline and I saw a picture of me and you at your sister's birthday party, it was October 2015 I believe? That was my first picture I ever posted online.
Nicole: What I'm saying is, I finally remember who you are Jake.
You: (It's only a matter of time before she remembers who Mark Blythe is. Once she remembers who Mark and her friends are, my job here will be done. I'll stop talking to her again. Because I don't want to become too attached to her and lose my girlfriend and my sister's trust in the process.)
Nicole: What I miss the most about you are the pranks we used to do together. I remember when you said that we were going to commit Brad's Downfall with Protocol 9415. And I was like dude, you make it sound like we're robbing a bank. 😂
Jake: You remember that? Even the number? 😂
Nicole: Of course I do.
Nicole: I also remember how sad I was when you left me Jake.
Nicole: "I'll give you the letter before we move out don't be sad Nicole. I'll come back." That was what you last told me before you moved out.
Nicole: And then you came back for me, four years later...
Jake: That's what best friends are for Nic. We listen and support each other when we're down. Just like old times right?
Nicole: It was when you left me that I began to cling to my past.
Jake: What do you mean Nic?
Nicole: You see Jake... Remember when you and your sister told me that nothing in this world was permanent except for change?
Nicole: And then I added on to it by saying that change was necessary. That in order for people to move forward and grow in life, they have to accept that not everything was meant to stay the same in life.
You: (And that's what inspired me in life. You loved change as much as I did. But what's this change in attitude I'm getting?..)
Jake: I'll never forget those types of conversations we've had Nic.
Nicole: You see, I wasn't the type that was open to new environments. I hated it when I had to switch high schools twice.
Nicole: There were so many new faces. I didn't know anyone from my previous schools. You were already gone and I haven't been keeping contact with your sister as much even if we still went to the same school.
Nicole: The truth is, I used to love change. I truly believed that it was necessary in this world but then I thought to myself, doesn't that mean that you'll lose people who you were once close to?
You: (Of course that's true. It was hard for me too when I left Nic.)
Jake: So the reason why you don't like change anymore is because..?
Nicole: I'm so sick and tired of losing people I used to be close to. 😭
Nicole: Don't you just hate it Jake?
Nicole: When you know someone really well. Their secrets, their fears, their favorite things, what they love and hate. Then one day, you go back into being strangers. Like you have to walk past them and pretend like you never knew them, never talked to them when in reality, you know everything about them.
Nicole: It was at that time when I felt alone and homesick that I grew to hate change. This feeling of loneliness was what got me to believe that. I didn't want to lose people I've been close to. That's why my mindset changed.
Nicole: Help me Jake. This conversation is making me tear up. 😭😭
Jake: Hey Nic don't worry. Everything will be alright okay? I promise I'll help you find Mark. I don't know where he is or how to contact him, but I do know why he left.
You: (Here goes nothing.)
Nicole: Really? You do?!
Nicole: Why did my best friend leave me?
Jake: He needs time to heal.
Nicole: Time to heal? You're saying he has something to do with the accident?
Jake: Yes. But from the sound of it, he never meant to do you harm. I have a feeling you guys were close to each other. Maybe at some point, you loved him too.
Nicole: About the anonymous Twitter post you mentioned earlier, what did it say?
Jake: He basically said that he needs to be a better person before he can see you again, because he did a lot of bad things which he later regretted.
Nicole: ....
Nicole: I don't want to believe for one second that he was a bad person.
Nicole: I want to see him again and just talk about our past. I want to let him know that whatever wrong he may have commited then was never his fault. 
Nicole: Because from what it sounds like, I may have hurt him as well. I don't know what I did, but it may be the reason why he did something regretful to begin with.
Jake: Are you sure about yourself Nic?
Nicole: I just have a feeling that I did something that's all..
Nicole: Anyways, I wouldn't know where the start from. But knowing you Jake, how would you think this through?
You: (Mark Blythe... Where have you gone? Perhaps you moved in with other family members? That's what I did. If I were to keep myself hidden, I would move to a place where I knew nobody so that my family and friends can't be used to get to me. So maybe that's what Mark did. It's possible.)
Jake: He erased his traces online so I can only assume that he moved far away.
Nicole: Please help me find him Jake. I want to know who he is. I want to remember everything about him again. Promise me that you'll help me find him.
Jake: I promise Nic.
Nicole: I have to go now Jake. Bye.
Jake: Bye Nic.

A few days later, you text your sister. You ask her about Mike Fisher. Now knowing that Mike Fisher is completely irrelevant in Nicole's life now, both you and your sister's main objective now is to get Mark to talk to Nicole again. But always being involved with Nicole's problems was hard.

I still love her. I know I can't have her anymore but it's hard. My girlfriend is getting suspicious with me, because of my text messages with Nic. I can't keep doing this. But I have to because Nicole needs our help. Besides her family, we're the only ones left that know her history well. We are her link to a forgotten past. An old connection. And I won't stop seeing her again until I'm sure she's recovered all her memories.

After confirming your resolve, you begin to search online once again for Mark Blythe. You begin by looking for possible relatives that shared the same last name. After looking through all his family members, you find out that Mark moved across the country to live with his other relatives. Now, all that was left was to find a way to contact him. A few days later, your search for Mark Blythe's number continues. But to no avail... Later that afternoon, you were interrupted by a text message.

April 7th, 2020

Nicole: Jake. I need to tell you something...
Jake: You can tell me anything Nic.
Nicole: I just need someone to talk to right now. I've been crying a lot last night.
Jake: Let them out Nic. Tell me what's going on. I'll be here for you.
Nicole: Jake... I remember who Mark Blythe is...
Jake: What parts do you remember?
Nicole: Everything Jake...
Nicole: I remember when I first talked to him  in chemistry class and when he helped me get over Mike and Jenny. We were so close  to each other and I once had feelings for him.
Nicole: We got each other gifts and he was always by my side when I needed him most. He was my crying shoulder and he always listened to me when I had problems.
Nicole: When Mark and I hug out at the park, we reminisced the days of childhood. I told him that life was like a swing. That in order for people to reach the top where everything was fine was if people passed the lower ground. Or else, there would be nowhere to start from.
Nicole: It was that same day at the park when Mark confessed how he felt about me. I knew from the very beginning ever since I declared him my best friend that he loved me. It showed in the way he said things.
Nicole: I never should've taken his love for granted Jake.
Jake: What do you mean Nic?
Nicole: I turned him down. I told him we were better off as friends. I mean... I don't know why I lost my feelings for him to begin with but...
Nicole: I should've at least given him a chance you know? Even if I didn't like him anymore, I should've considered dating him for a while before making it official. Then maybe I could start having feelings for him again you know?
Nicole: At this point, it's already clear why he left me and I just want to talk to him again and tell him that none of this was ever his fault.
Nicole: I know I almost died because of the car accident and I should've known better than to give up my life for a friend I pushed away. Do you understand how much this hurts Jake?
Nicole: Knowing that you can't see your best friend anymore because he took the blame for himself? Because he believed that he was the very reason that I got myself in the car accident? I know you left me too but the fact that you came back meant so much to me. I just wish that Mark did the same. I miss him so much.
Jake: Of course I do Nic.
Nicole: I tried texting and calling him but he never responded. My calls don't even go through. I don't understand why he would block me...
You: (She had his number all along? 😕)
Jake: You had his number all along? You should've told me Nic.
Nicole: You want to contact him yourself don't you? I feel like you've been helping me so much. Probably too much actually. I'm pretty sure Mark didn't move too far away from school. Now that I remember him, I should be able to find him myself.
Jake: Remember what I told you earlier Nic. I'll be here for you when you need help. We've solved so many things together. Our pranks for example. So please let me help you.
Nicole: Are you sure Jake? Your girlfriend won't get mad at you for always talking to me?
Jake: I promise Nic.
You: (Nic has no idea how far Mark moved away.)
Jake: There's something I should tell you Nic.
Nicole: Really Jake? What is it?
Jake: Mark moved across the country. There is no way you'll be able to see him again unless you move out of state.
Nicole didn't respond for over a minute
Jake: Nic?
Nicole: Sorry Jake. I started crying when you said that.
Nicole: I feel so lost Jake. I don't know where to start from. How am I going to see him again if he's so far away? He doesn't have to do this you know?
Jake: Don't worry about it Nic. I'll talk to Mark Blythe tomorrow. I need to convince him to talk to you again.
Nicole: Thank you so much dude. This means the world to me. Promise me that you can convince him to talk to me again.
Nicole: He knows who you are. I once told Mark about you so he'll answer you right away.
You: (Something tells me that this actually won't be easy. If Mark knows who I am, he will suspect that I'm trying to get him back together with Nic and he'll block me on the spot. I have to establish a connection first before I can tell him about Nic or else this will go nowhere...)
Jake: Really Nic?
Nicole: Why do you sound so skeptical? I thought you wanted to help me Jake!
Jake: Wait listen to me Nic!
Jake: This is going to be hard because he knows me. He'll know that I'm trying to get you back together.
Nicole: I believe in you Jake. You always were a genius back in middle school so I know you'll find a way.
Nicole: I have to go now. Please tell me how all of this goes once you're done talking to him.
Nicole: I miss him so much and I want him to come back into my life.
Jake: I'll do my best Nic.
You notice the time. It's 11 pm. You talked to Nicole for over 4 hours straight
Nicole: I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight. Half of my pillow is soaked with tears.
Jake: Looks like you're gonna have to get up and find new ones then. 😂
Nicole: Haha 😂
Nicole: I have to go sleep now. Goodnight.
Jake: Goodnight Nic.

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