Chapter 4 - A Talk With Mike Fisher

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Kate's POV
Later that day

Kate: Hey Mike.
Mike: Oh hi Kate. You need something?
Kate: I've got a couple things to ask you Mike.
Mike: Oh aight. Whatever you say girl.
Kate: Here's my first question for you. Do you know Nicole Tyler?
Mike: No shit I do. Yo everyone's talking about her. Why are you asking me?
Kate: Because like, she's my best friend and I've known her since 2015.
Mike: Okay well why don't you ask Jenny Scumbagdale yourself? She knows Nicole more than I do.
Kate: Well Jenny is not here right now so I don't want to disturb her. And why the hell do you sound so salty right now?
Mike: Well I tried texting and calling her but she has been legit blocking my ass since she saw me and Jenny at the theme park. We dated for a week. Then for some stupid reason, she broke up with me without even giving me a chance to explain to her what happened.
Kate: Did you cheat on her?
Mike: What?! No I did not cheat on her! Jenny was holding my hand at the theme park. Anything else you want to interrogate me with?
Kate: As a matter of fact, I do. Abut the time when she was at the hospital.
Mike: Okay what about it?
Kate: If you really liked her back then, why didn't you visit her at the hospital?
Mike: That is absolutely none of your business.
Kate: I have every right to know about her. She was my best friend since middle school so just tell me okay??
Kate: (Kate, stay calm...)
Mike: Yo girl chill... So you wanna know why I stopped contacting her? I gave up on her. I've been texting and calling since December last year. It's been 3 months now and even before the accident, she still blocked me. I tried to be nice. I left her text messages saying I just wanted to explain. But did she respond? Nope! I've waited way too long. So I was thinking... Yo. Forget about her. She ain't worth it. Might as well find some other girl.
Kate: (Hold up. Does he even know if Nicole has amnesia? I should totally test him.)
Kate: You didn't visit her to show that you still cared?
Mike: Nope. Like I said, I'm done. She'll probably still be mad if she sees me anyways.
Kate: (He literally has no idea she has amnesia. 😕)
Kate: Not trying to be harsh but it seems like it's over for you guys.
Mike: Don't feel bad for me Kate. There's other girls out there anyways. Besides, I might be talking to her right now.
Kate: Wait what?!
Mike: I've seen you in class Kate and girl you are looking fine. Do you wanna go out with me?
Kate: Oh how I would sooo love to go on a date with you Mike. Get lost.
Mike: Yo you're the one that texted me first. Are you sure you're not interested in me?
Kate: You are literally getting on my nerves right now Mike! Anyways, moving on...
Mike: Okay what's next?
Kate: What happened to Mark Blythe?
Mike: Mark God damn Blythe? And what do you wanna know about him?
Kate: Why doesn't he go to our school anymore?
Mike: That guy probably realized that asking out Nicole Tyler was probably one of the worst mistakes he's ever made. He's the reason why Nicole got in an accident to begin with. She almost died because of him. That guy is evil. I hope he rots in hell.
Kate: Well first off, you were the one that cheated on my bff. And second, even if you didn't cheat on her, you still didn't care about her after the accident.
Kate: Mark Blythe left the school because he didn't want to see her get hurt again. You on the other hand, didn't show that you still cared about her. Now, you're just hitting on other girls as if Nicole was completely irrelevant in your life.
Kate: (I'm seriously so scared right now... Ugh! I couldn't hold myself down. 😥)
Mike: ?????
Mike: Fine then! Assume whatever you want. Girl you're gonna have a bad time when school starts tomorrow.
Kate: (I'm so scared right now. 😣)
Kate: Mike. I'm sorry. I got carried away.
Mike: Apology accepted!
Mike: Girl I think you just need some calm music to cool your head.
Mike: I'll play a song for you tomorrow. I'll play guitar really well. You'll fall in love with me I guarantee it. 😆
Kate: (Go Fuc-)
Kate: No I'm good thanks.
Mike: Sweet dreams. 😉
Kate: Bye ✌✌

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