~4~ I'm Not After Him, I'm After His Ramen

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Ooooookay! So well I haven't posted for well about a year >< but bear with me! Preaaase ;) Okeey well probly since nobody reading this (hopefully someone reaads this) has read the other chaps soooooo you can see my other chapters (1,2, and 3) with the same title. And please comment! I need advice, I need feedback, I need someone to talllllk to meee T.T lolz jk. But here ye go! :DDDD


Chloe's PoV:

White. Everything's white. I slowly gather myself up from the white and very plushy couch. Since when did I decide to wear this white shirt, an overgrown white shirt at that too. My mind buzzes with fear, a-am I in heaven?

Noooo no no no nooo, I need answers, and I need them NOW! Suddenly I get up but my arm starts to sting horridly.

Softly pulling up my sleeve I notice a large white bandage with a hint of red blotching it, when did that happen? Pulling my sleeve back down I decide that I hate white today, I'm in the mood for some brown. 

I finally decide to get up off of my numb butt and look around. If this is heaven, then they better have food because I am starving! I hear a soft whistle, someone whistling a familiar tune. Does that happen in heaven? I walk down the empty hallway and towards the zesty aroma that beckons me.

Leading to that smell grows a soft light, not too bright. I slowly creep towards the doorway to find a well muscled boy about my age with long, pitch black hair that looks messy but still oh so right. He has on a tight white T-Shirt and a pair of dark jeans that perfectly frame his legs. He has tanish skin that isn't a disgusting Jersey Shore dark, but a Taylor Lautner tan with a hint of Asian to it.

Noooooooo! A Taylor Lautner reference?!? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?! And just as I start freaking out in the hallway Asian boy spins around suddenly and curses under his breath.

Stuffing his hands in his pockets he walks over to me, "hey girl, you okay?" "Ummm," I say stepping back a little, unsure of what to, "who are you? Plus why am I here?" Suddenly he stops and gives me an are-you-serious look, "so you don't remember, you don't remember anything?"  I bit my lip and close my eyes. I...I remember Cameron, there was a party, a dinner party right? But then something happened....I ran away?

Asian boy suddenly whispers cutting me away from my thoughts and scaring me, "do you remember the beach?" Five words, five simple words but it sends me into a frenzy, remembering everything and makes me stifle out a gasp. Not knowing what to do I look around frantically, "did I die? Oh god, is this The Lovely Bones all over again, crap, crap crap."

Strangers PoV:

She thinks she's dead? Thats hilarious, I think as I try to keep from laughing. Not knowing how else to reassure her I say, "no no you're not dead, I beat the crap out of that man. But then you blacked out so I brought you back here...and," I looked at her mess of clothes on the table,"I put some new clothes on you." And felt myself slightly blushing as I said the last part. 

I turned back at he to find that she was as red as a tomato when her stomach growled. I smirked and laughed, "hungry?" I asked as I walked over to the box with bowls and pulled out two with each a set of chopsticks and then poured out the contents of the pot I used to cook. I handed one bowl to her and started eating mine, not realizing how hungry I really was.

After scarfing down about half of my portion I look up over my bowl and found the redhead fumbling with her chopsticks and I smirked. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "I don't know how to use these," she softly replied. I chuckled and rummaged through the box trying to find a fork. She takes it gratefully and started to dig in as her eyes widen, "oh MY GOD! This is amazing!!! This, this...what is this?" I laugh, "Ramen, you like?" "Very very much!" Looking pleased I finished the rest of my portion. No one ever complimented me like that, the girls probably been starved, I though to myself.

I'm Not After Him, I'm After His RamenWhere stories live. Discover now