~6~ I'm Not After Him, I'm After His Ramen

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  • Dedicated to All of my Fans! <3 :D

:P Well I really have nothing to say...thanks for reading!


Chloe's PoV

Mmm, I feel like I just had the weirdest dream. It was so crazy. I ran away from home and almost got raped, but then I got rescued by an angel. Though he just turned out to be a boy named Tatsuo and he just moved here from Japan. A great cook he was but I could see danger in his eyes. He was really hot though, his smirk threw me off. And for some stupid reason I tried alcohol and got drunk, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep after that, weird dream, huh? Oddly specific dream at that...

I opened my left eye, eager to get up and out of bed but I quickly close it, cringing in pain. It feels like someone just shot my head with a staple gun.

I finally get sit up, it looks like my dream was real. I look at the table next to the couch and see a bottle of tylenol by a glass of water. How sweet, Tatsuo must have left it for me! Oooo, what do I see? A small note waiting for me? I pick it up and open it, reading the contents of what's inside.

Hey Chloe,

I kind of have to go to school and so I'm just going to leave, didn't really want to wake you up, you needed the rest. I left some tylenol, take too and then drink the water, it's for your hangover. Go EASY next time! Plus there's some ramen for you on the stove. Don't worry about locking the door on your way out.




I look at the alarm clock, it's already 6:30! School starts in 30 minutes! I tear Tatsuo's old clothes off and jump into a grey tank top which I stack on top of a white one to go with my white low rise skinnies, which I had gotten from my car. Hearing my stomach grumble I gratefully slurp down the ramen and brush my teeth from my emergency Wisp I had stuffed into my small but cute string pouch bag. As soon as I finished I grabbed my keys, slammed the door, flew in to the car and made my way to school. Score! I put on a pair of my lovely aviator sunglasses but still scared about my breath, I pop a piece of Mentos gum in to my mouth.

Though, I wonder if I would ever see Tatsuo again. I have no idea what school he is going to. Maybe if the fates are right, I wonder as I ponder on that though for the next 30 minutes of so as I skillfully violate all the traffic laws and try to at least put on some mascara, eye liner and lip gloss.

YES! I made it! I scream inside my head when I find the perfect parking spot. I sprint to the school yard and take the risk of glancing at my cell to check the time. Wait, WHAT? It's 6:30! I slap my forehead in frustration, his clock must have been off! Well, if I DO ever see Tatsuo again, I'm going to kick his ass!

I open the school doors and head to my locker but I accidentally hit a mob of girls. What the- "AHHH! He's so CUTE!" I hear a girl scream. I do not need this on a Monday morning. I try to squeeze through the crowd of skinny, fake tanned blondes and find myself face-to-face with Tatsuo himself. He looked tasty in a red shirt with a black leather jacket on top with torn jeans on the bottom, may I add.

For a second he seems surprised but quickly conceals it with a blank stare. "Um, hey Tatsuo, nice seeing you here."

"Do I know you?" he replies much to my surprise. I just laugh awkwardly noticing that all of the blonde heads that were just fixated on Tatsuo have now whipped towards me and were glaring. I feel the daggers pierce my skin and I slowly lose confidence, "uh yeah, um what about yesterday? Last night?" I whisper.

"Sorry, I think you have me confused with someone else," he says with that stupid Asian accent, mocking me.

Suddenly a head pops up out of the crowd and quickly makes its way towards me, "I'm sorry," she laughs awkwardly. "My friend isn't in the best of conditions, Mondays 'ya know? Right?...or not." TRINA! My savior!

"Yeah," he replies, "keep her on a leash or something would you?"


Trina grabs my ear and drags me across the hallways and past the snickering sluts,"Owwww ow ow ow owww, it hurrrrts," I whine and beg for mercy though she looks furious. Trina is the kind of girl you don't mess with, tough you can't tell by her looks. She is a brunette with the cutest bob and can you believe that she did it herself? She even dyed the tips of her hair black. She has green eyes that are crazy neon green that looks like she's always ready for a rave. Her nose is small and makes her look like a pixie, guys fall for it all the time. Her lips are plump and pink, just gorgeous, she doesn't even need any lip gloss or lipstick. She's short though, only about 5'1, but that just adds to her cuteness. NO HOMO! I snap at myself.

She drags me outside to the courtyard and explodes on me, "what do you think you were doing! AGGH! Did you see how ridiculous you looked? And Diane was there! Ohmigawd, this is the end, Diane will never let anything rest. We're dead, anni-woah," I just grab Trina right then and there and pull he in to a bone-crushing hug. "Apology accepted," she says with a laugh.

"Thank god I have you Trina! My weekend was full of shit and, and sorry for cussing, but, " I shuddered, "I would have seriously died, and then, that boy! The one inside, he's a TOTAL PEICE OF SHI-" I say but get interrupted by Trina. "Woah, so you know the hunk?" she says and spots my gum, allowing herself to take a piece.

"Know him?" I snort, very gracefully though, "I had to-" and I get interrupted AGAIN! Though this time I notice it's not Trina. Definitely not. It's a deep masculine voice that comes behind the other half of the slut population at Gulford High that wasn't flocking around Tatsuo. Then pops out of the crowd, Golden Boy!

"Chloe, I need to talk to you, please," he pleads, though I could care less. Before I know it, I take on a mad dash to get away from him, "SORRY TRINA!" I yell behind me.

I don't want to see him! Please no! I glance over my shoulder, expecting Golden Boy to eat my dust but much to my chagrin, there he appears running after me. Can't the guy take a hint?

I feel wheezy as I start to run out of breath and look for solstice all around me since it's obvious that Cameron isn't going to be slowing down. I find the back door entrance of the school and yank open the handle, running through to freedom. Free! Free! I'm free! I think, smiling at my accomplishment, then sadly I see Cameron STILL after me.

Then like an idiot that's not looking forward I hurdle face first in to an innocent bystander leaving us both on the ground. "GODDAMIT CHLOE! I THOUGHT you could take the HINT and STAY AWAY FROM ME!" he roared, turns out that innocent bystander is Tatsuo. "I-I'm s-s" i stuttered not knowing what to say but I suddenly feel a fire starting inside of me.

" You little ass," I say, narrowing my eyes down at him as I pick myself up, "so you really do admit to knowing who I am! Knowing about yesterday!"

"Chloe? Chloe, please stop running. Look I just want to talk to you," says the never giving up Cameron, trailing after me. "And YOU!" I whip around, "you read my lips. Stay. Away. From. ME!"

"Wait, Cam? Is that you? Tatsuo says incredulously. "Tat-su-o?" replies Cameron, stretching each syllable of Tatsuo's name.

"YOU THREE! COME WITH ME!" booms a voice I've always hoped never to hear. I slowly turn my head to see Vice Principle, Mr. Baugh, staring at me with those freaky eyes of his. "Look at the mess you've made!" he hisses. All three of us finally notice the deafening sirens screaming all around us.

"Shit" we all say in unison.


THE END! :D FINALLY T.T my poor fingers have had enough and I seek solstice in my bed. ;) care to join? lol jk but thanks so much for reading!

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