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Before you even start to read.. please forgive all my wrong grammar, the broken English words of mine just pretend that you just high while reading this ⚠️


"Jennie" the girl that bobby in love with for almost 4 years  now . There's nothing to worry about their  stable relationship, Jennie and Bobby they're been living together in the same place for 3 years now everything is beautiful, everytime their eyes meets is like their first day in love, full with laughter, jokes, long cuddles a tight hugs and sweet kisses . They're been living like in heaven together, because they are deeply in love .

Where is my pants ? I can't find it, Bobby asking Jennie who is cooking something in the kitchen maybe making a cake,
well it's just right there just open your eyes widely my love, i totally understand u can't even see clearly with those small eyes .
And right before she was about to laugh Bobby kiss her .
Because the only thing I see clearly is you, he continue kissing her lips and Jennie only capable to just smile and kissing him back .
Hurry up !! You might gonna be late for your work if we keep continuing doing this, Jennie smack Bobby butt, but he keep kissing Jennie's lips and move down to her neck while she's trying so hard to release the strong tight hug from a guy who is clearly so big enough to hide her entire body in, and all she can do is just to let him kiss her neck and do whatever he wants to do, because a touch from Bobby is her weakness .

Bobby arrived at his workplace, the office that Jennie father owns Mr.Kwon, he is the type of person who is not friendly at all, cold as stone more close doesn't even like him, but because of his lovely daughter Jennie he accepts Bobby in under circumstance well Mr.Kwon doesn't have any choice other than to accept Bobby because he doesn't want to hurt Jennie he will do whatever thing just to make his daughter happy even if Jennie ask him to kill someone Mr.Kwon is willing to do it .

Someone is knocking the door of his office, Mr.Jiwon your new secretary is here, do you want me to introducing to you or ??
Let her come, Bobby said In a flat tone,
Okaay sir .
The girl close the door and gone, after 5 minutes she is back again and knocking the door
Yes.. come in,
The girl let the new secretary come in,
So you are the new secretary right? Without even looking at her, he keep looking at his komputer and continuing his work . If there's anything you wanted to ask you can ask the staff who send you here, All of the sudden his phone ringing and he give a signal to his new secretary to leaves his office .

What was that for ? Talking to me without even looking at my face, that is so rude !! Lisa said while looking into her reflection in the mirror she is the new secretary of Bobby  and right now she is mad because nobody would treat a beautiful sexy woman like her nobody! If this is not because of Mr.Kwon She would never accept this stupid idea to become Bobby new secretary . Well she can making money just by dating some random rich old guy and they willing to give all they have just to be with her, but now she have to work with her new boss Mr.Jiwon .

Thank you for reading 💗

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