Chapter 15

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AN: The Luke gif does things to me. Is he even real?

Listen to the song in the video... thingy... yep.

Comments are very much appreciated, thank you.

Dedication: lukeslyrics [For the gif last chapter and this chapter.]

I'm hating my life so much right now.

I was sitting on the ground and my hands were grasping the sides of the porcelain toilet seat. My headache worsened as I emptied out whatever contents were in my stomach. I felt absolutely ill and I just wanted to end myself right then and there.

Tears welled in my eyes, but it wasn't like I could stop them from doing so. It was just something that happened whenever I threw up. Vomiting was really irritating my throat and I could still taste it, and it was nasty. Even the sight of what I threw up was so revolting, I didn't want to open my eyes to see any more of the gross stuff. Once in a while I'd open them, but soon quickly shut them so I wouldn't see what was inside the toilet.

Right when I was throwing up some more, the bathroom door swung open and I assumed it was Luke.

"I got the aspirin and water for your headache, princess," he said, his voice sounding slightly funny since he had to pinch his nose to prevent himself from smelling the horrid puke. (He told me he was going to do that.)

"Ugh, how long have I been in here?" I groaned as I sensed Luke kneeling down beside me, the sound of the aspirin container being placed on the counter heard.

"It's four in the morning right now, so an hour," Luke answered.

So apparently, I've been awake since three in the morning with a horrible pounding in my head along with the unsettling feeling of wanting to barf my insides out. I couldn't bring myself to move because of how aggravating the pain was, but I must've woke Luke up for he then left his spot on the couch and helped me to the restroom by carrying me there.

What I did last night or why I was even half naked was a mystery to me, but at the moment I was more worried about the fact that my body won't stop throwing up my insides.

"I feel like poop," I whined.

"Which explains why you're at a toilet, right?" He laughed, but it wasn't making me feel any better. I wanted to glare at Luke for even joking about this, but my head hurt too much to even want to move the slightest bit. "You shouldn't have drank last night."

"Why did I accept that stupid bitch beer drink?" I whimpered.

"The what drink?"

"Nothing." I started coughing and I felt Luke's hand pat my back. "This freaking sucks. Do me a favor and kill me right now, why don't you?"

"Why would I do that?" He chuckled. "I'm supposed to protect you, remember?"

"I know, but-" I felt more of the unsettling feeling in my stomach as I hurled more into the toilet. I whined, completely fed up with this punishment I was getting for drinking more than I could handle. "It won't stop."

Suddenly Luke's arms went around my bare waist, since I was still only in my boxers, and he pressed himself against my back. My heart raced a bit, and that temporarily made me feel less sick.

"You'll be okay, princess," Luke said as he rested his head against the back of mine. "This will all blow over soon and you'll be okay again, all right? I'll be with you the entire time."

I let out a sigh, the feeling of wanting to throw up returning. Then I heard Luke make some sniffling sound before he drew away from me.

"Except now," he said. "I need to get away from this God-awful smell."

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