Chapter 2

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Two boys sat with their backs against a lightning-struck tree atop a hill, each facing in the opposite direction, looking down into two different valleys, filled with sheep.
They were boys in name only. David was tall for his age, muscular and his handsome face, well tanned.
Jud was just as muscular, but a head shorter than David. As far as his looks went....suffice to say, that when they were together in the town market place, it was David who received the flirtatious smiles and giggles from the local girls.
The shephards were neighbours, even though the family homes were far from each other.
Whenever they drove their sheep out from the pens into the fields, they would meet at the tree on the hill. While they watched their sheep in their respective valleys, the friends would tell stories, laugh together, sing and share their food. It was a good life.
David lay on a bear skin, tanned with the brains of the animal.  A lion's skin, preserved the same way, had been draped over the dead branches of the tree, to provide shade.  Looking up, he remarked, "I can remember when this tree was full of leaves, providing cool shade!"  Jud answered," It's a good thing you killed that lion, otherwise we would be burning up.  I also miss the tree, rolling the resin into balls, and chewing it to clean my teeth....and sweeten my breath....for the ladies!  David immediately retorted with a big grin on his face, "The only kiss you ever got from a woman, is from your mother...when she kisses you goodnight!"
Jud grabbed the closest thing in his reach, which happened to be the drinking water flagon, and threw it at David.  David, too lazy to move out the way, caught the container full on the chest.  On impact, the sealing cork popped open, spraying water all over his face and drenching the front of his tunic.  For 2 seconds the boys glared at each other, and then burst out in raucous laughter.  Both rolling around the bear skin, tears streaming down their faces.  For the moment, they were still just boys.

Even though Jud's family worshipped Yahweh, it always puzzled him that David had such an intimate relationship with God. David continually sang to Him, prayed to Him and asked His protection and guidance in everything he did. Jud had enough problems listening and obeying his earthly father, let alone a father you couldn't even see!

It was on one such carefree day that a servant from David's household arrived. His father wanted to see him urgently. The servant would look after the sheep in David's absence.

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