Chapter 5

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David was pacing outside the King's tent, waiting for Abner to accompany him into the King's presence. He was excited, his God had not failed him and he couldn't wait to tell King Saul.
When Abner eventually came, David had changed his strategy. He realised that this was a man's world. King Saul, his Commander-in-chief and even his eldest brother were all war veterans, who had a lot of battle experience between them. The only way he was going to convince them, of letting him execute the plan that Yahweh had shown him, was to act like a man and gain their respect.

David stood before Saul, void of all excitement, waiting patiently for the King to settle himself and give leave to talk. Saul, expecting the babbling of a young boy, finally sighed and nodded his head, indicating that David could have his say.
David stood as tall as his could and looking from Abner and then back to Saul, delivered his argument. "King Saul, Commander, I am privileged to stand before such great men of war. I too am a warrior, a Shepherd slinger. We are trained in the art of slinging from a very early age. Before I was 10 years of age, I could flick a fly off the ear of one of my rams at 20 metres. I could ward off a marauding lion or wolf at a distance of 400 metres. Moreover, I have killed a lion and a bear with my bare hands, using skills taught me by wise old shepherd warriors, who were in my father's employ. Thus I do not speak lightly when I request to face Goliath and accept his challenge." Saul looked at Abner, who merely shrugged his shoulders. Turning back to David he asked. "Do you really think you can beat the Philistine champion?"
David answered, " I know I can."
"What did Yahweh say? Did you pray last night?"
David answered, "My Father in Heaven showed me a vision last night. In the vision, I was holding up Goliath's head, severed from his body, in one hand, his sword in my other hand. He showed me carrion eating birds tearing and eating the giant's flesh from his bones. Pieces of flesh, torn from Goliath's body, so big, the birds couldn't fly, but had to hop around to avoid being trampled on. With this, my God's confirmation of victory, send me....I am ready."
Saul was deep in thought for a long time, both David and Abner said nothing, but waited for the King's reply. Eventually Saul said, "At least put on my armour, so you will have some protection." To which David replied, "Good King, while at your court, many times I cleaned and polished your armour. It is well made but heavy and restrictive. A good slinger has no need of such encumberment. I will be fine. I have my sling and my staff."
Saul knew that after 40 days of indecision, today he must decide, one way or the other. His men were restless and demoralised. He would lose their allegiance if he procrastinated any longer. And so thinking, he replied, "Go young warrior, may Yahweh be with you."
David nodded to the King, turned and left the tent. Abner, about to follow, stopped as Saul asked, "Do you know David's father's name or where he lives?"
Abner answered, "I do not, Sire, why do you ask?"
Saul replied, "Because I think before this day is past, we will have to send him word of his son's death!"

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