Chapter 4

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King Saul looked tired and haggard.  The last 40 days having taken it's toll.  He was in a no-win situation.  If he answered the Philistine's challenge in the negative, the victory would automatically belong to the Philistines. He did not have any soldier under his command that could best the giant, so even if they accepted the challenge, Saul knew the outcome would be disastrous.  So for 40 days he kept quiet, hoping for a miracle.
Abner came in with David, "Look, the little instigator is none other than your lyre player!"
Looking most surprised, Saul exclaimed, "David!  What on earth are you doing here?"
"Greetings Sire, I came on behalf of my father.  He has sent some provisions for your troops, and has asked that I bring some news of the battle.  He is very concerned that the victory, that he is sure the Lord God of Israel will give you, is taking so long in coming."
Saul listened to David with a smile on his face, but as David spoke the last words, Saul's demeanour changed, a morbid sadness came over him.  He leaned back and moaned, "God has forsaken me, in this hour when I need Him the most.  David asked, "Have you prayed to the Lord for guidance?" Saul growled "Why do I have to tell Yahweh the predicament we're in,  He's all-knowing, He knows exactly the mess we're in, and yet He does nothing."
David's unshakeable faith in his God, and his complete trust that the Lord would answer his prayers, allowed him to answer the King with confidence.  "Oh great King, tonight I will not let the chatter of thousands of men, nor the smells of roasting meat, no, not even sleep will hinder my petitions to our Almighty God.  I will be like a dog that will not let go of it's bone.  I will persist and test my Lord God's patience.  Tomorrow morning, I will bring you Yahweh's answer, tomorrow we will know what He requires of us."  Saul sceptically replied,  "And what if Yahweh doesn't answer?"
David met Saul's weary stare, " My God has never failed me yet."
Saul turned to Abner, who had been silently standing to one side with his arms folded, "Find our young friend a tent nearby and see that he is not disturbed."  Saul adding half sarcastically, "He has an important meeting tonight.  As for me, see that I am not disturbed also.  For my music-maker has tired me out with his unquenchable enthusiasm.  Go, I wish to rest."

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