Chapter 7

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David started forward, his sling slowly starting to go round in it's circular orbit.  Shouting at the top of his voice, he proclaimed, 
"You're coming at me with a sword, a spear and a javelin. But I'm coming at you in the name of ADONAI, the God of the armies of Isra'el, whom you have challenged. Today ADONAI will hand you over to me. I will attack you, lop your head off, and give the carcasses of the army of the Philistines to the birds in the air and the animals in the land. Then all the land will know that there is a God in Isra'el, and everyone assembled here will know that ADONAI does not save by sword or spear. For this is ADONAI's battle, and He will hand you over to us."

As David finished his declaration, his sling started to make a whirring sound. This was the sound that David knew signalled the optimum speed and taking aim, released the one end of the sling that was not wrapped around his wrist. The stone flew towards the giant, finally embedding itself deep in his forehead. The last thing Goliath remembered was loosing control of his legs, and seeing the earth come rushing towards him. He never felt the impact when his face hit the ground.

A loud gasp rang out from both the Israelite and Philistine armies, who had been intently watching the scene playing out in the valley beneath them.  The Philistine army immediately raised their shields and held their swords at the ready.
David realised that the Philistines were not going to honour the rules of single man combat.  If he defeated Goliath the Philistines were not going to surrender as per their champion's challenge.  The only thing holding them back from charging down the hill was the fact that they were not sure if their champion was still alive or not.  Perhaps he had just stumbled and would stand up and continue the fight.
David knew he only had a small window in which to take action.  He guessed that his stone would probably only have stunned the giant, or at best, rendered him unconscious.

David sprang into action, running as fast as he could,  he made a dash for where Goliath lay.
Not bothering to check if the champion was dead or alive he wrenched the sword out of Goliath's hand.   David wanted to make sure that the giant was dead, by making a killing blow with Goliath's own sword.  The problem was that Goliath was wearing armour.  Fortunately, Goliath had fallen forward on his face, exposing his back.  There David espied a narrow strip of back, that was not covered by armour.  The breasplate fitted around the body and was tied at the back with leather thongs.  The two sides should have come together but for some reason they didn't.  Perhaps Goliath had become a little fatter that he was when he acquired the armour.  But there today, was a gap in the armour.  David needed both hands to lift the massive sword, with the blade facing down, and plunged it in the only space available. 

Using all his might, David pulled the sword out of the now dead body, and taking two steps sideways to the left, paused for a split second to catch his breath.  Taking a deep breath, David again lifted the heavy sword, both hands on the hilt, high above his head.  This time the blade was facing up towards the sky and brought it down with all his strength on the neck of Goliath.  The head departed from the body and rolled a few feet away, dark red blood, fast spreading it's way amongst the stones, oozed from Goliath's superior vena cava.

David looked up to see what all the shouting and screaming was about. The Philistine army had recovered from their stupor. Their anger seemed to be boiling over. That their champion had been defeated was unbelievable.
That he was defeated by a boy and killed by his own sword was too much for them to comprehend. Their humiliation fuelled their anger. They would attack and avenge their champion.....and retrieve his head so that he could be given a warrior's burial.

David quickly stepped over to where Goliath's head lay. He wanted to obey God's command as he had seen in his vision. Picking up the champion's head, he held it high above his head and shouted, "The victory belongs to ADONAI!"

It was the silence that made David gaze intently at the Philistines. The noise of an army mobilising to do battle was replaced by the site of thousands of soldiers, mouths agape, and faces fast turning a whiter shade of pale. They were all staring at the sky above where David stood, still holding high Goliath's head.

Glancing over his shoulder, to see what had gripped their attention, David saw a magnificent sight.

Coming down from the heavens was a great multitude of Heavenly host. Eight legions of angels, all with swords. Leading them was a figure on a white horse. His countenance emitted a bright light so you couldn't look at Him. In his hand was a flaming sword. The Heavenly host was saying "Glory to God, He shall slay all those that defile His name. Not one shall escape the wrath of the Lord!"

David turned again to face the Philistines, but saw only their backs as they fled. In the Israelite camp every one still stood amazed at what had just happened. Their eyes had been closed to the vision in the sky. It was Abner who took hold of the situation. Seeing the Philistines turn and run, he did not know why, he loudly barked his orders. "Stop standing looking like a lot of puppets, grap your swords, after the Philistines and kill every one. Leave not one alive!" The Israelites pursued the fleeing Philistines all the way to the gates of Gath and Ekron. A distance of 35 kilometres. The Shaaraim road was strewn with dead bodies. The city fathers of Gath and Ekron would not open the gates, lest the Israelite soldiers come in and murder the people inside. When the remaining Philistine soldiers reached the city gates, they cried and pleaded but the gates remained shut. When the Israelite warriors arrived they killed everyone outside the gates. The blood of the frightened, desperate Philistines, covering the scratches their nails and knives had made as they had tried to climb the gates.

David, still dragging Goliath's sword in one hand and carrying the giant's head in the other, returned to his tent. He suddenly felt very tired and soon fell fast asleep.  In his dreams, he saw again the vision he had seen on the battle field.  The Wonder, Splendour and Might of his God.  Why had king Saul's faith failed him so?

David was awakened by Abner shouting his name.  King Saul wanted to see him.  After washing up and changing his blood and sweat stained tunic he went to see Saul.  Before he could enter Saul's tent, he was grabbed by Saul's son.  Jonathan kissed and embraced him.   "Today we are brothers, you have saved my father's name.  You have exalted our God. The soldiers kneel before you, as do I.  Do not enter the King's tent wearing shepherd's clothes, here,  take my cloak, tunic, belt and my sword.  Today a warrior shall stand before the King."
David embraced and thanked Jonathan.  In his heart he knew that this relationship would grow to one of great friendship. 

What David didn't know, was that this change of clothes represented the death of David the shepherd boy, and the birth of
                David the Warrior King.

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