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I close the door behind us, "I have something to tell you, I'm...I'm..."

"You are in love" she smiles at me.

"How do you know??" I ask shocked and stunned.

"You sleep talk and you get that look whenever you see her"

"So you don't care??" I ask still stunned.

"No, but Savannah, she is your Mistress"

"I know" I say sitting on the lounge sad.

Suddenly their was a knock on the door "Savannah, the master wants to see you" announced Lily one of Masters maids. I nod and I hug Thyme, I walk down the hall to see Mistress walking out of her door.

I knock on Masters door and the door is opened to show a smiling Lord, "hello, Savannah"

I step away from him and I look back to see Mistress Nellian watching us, "I should get back to Mistress Nellian" I say going to walk away.

"No, you are mine for now!!" He said grabbing me and pulling me back to his chamber.

"No.... Please.... Master stop...." I cry as he closes the door, the last thing I saw was Mistress covering here eyes. I am thrown onto the bed, and I immediately try to crawl away from him.

"No, you don't" he said pull in me by my feet back to him.

"Please, M..Master...."I cry as he starts to grope me, I cry and try to push him away. I lays on top of me and kiss my neck and I continue to fight him. Face Anna, you are weak to him, he has all power over you.

Suddenly I hear ripping, I open my eyes and I look down to see my dress ripped around me. I look up to see him undoing his pants, I climb of the bed and run for the door in just my bra and undies.

He grabs me from behind and I can feel his 'member' stiffening against me. "Please, Master" I whisper. He runs his hands down my stomach and upper thigh and I close my eyes wishing this is over. He starts to move his hand under my underwear....

I hate him, he sexist and all he wants is virginal young girls. I close my eyes wishing I can just punch him in the face and knee him in his 'member' and next thing you know he is on the ground with Mistress Nellian on top, my eyes widen and I step back into the door.

"I though she is mine, my present... From you" Nellian said getting up, and in one blink of an eye she was by my side. I turn and hug her crying into her dress and she rubs my arm and walks me out of his room.

She walks me too her room and grabs me a night gown, and sits me on her bed. "Savannah, are you alright??" She said sitting beside me, I shake my head and I cry some more.

She passes me a tissue box and I soon get myself under control. "I hate him, they all want the same" I mutter to myself as I plop down on her bed.

"What do you mean???" Nellian asks as she lays beside me, I move away from her as I just wanted to roll over onto and kiss her passionately.

But I just it my lip, "well I said that I hate the Master and that he is the same as all of them"

"Same as all of who" she says rolling onto her side.

"Males, they all want the say and that is to get laid" i say sitting up.

"So what does that mean??" She asks sitting up her face near mine...


What do you think is going to happen????

What do you think of Master and Mistress Nellian????

Is it any good???

Remember to comment what you think\/


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