29- short chapter

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Hey guys sorry about the really late update I was just focusing on my other story anyway...

I know it is a short but it's better than nothing and I didn't really know how to write anymore about the scene so yea lol...

Anyway just wondering if any of you readers think I should actually write and edit it like a story.. Complete it not leave it as a draft... Also some people are getting little confused between my two stories... Should I change the names???

Anyway thank you and love you guys

"You can't run away from me that easily, Savannah" suddenly my throat over came with fire, burning my throat.

I grab my throat, what is wrong with me?

"Savannah" Nellian says concern as she runs to my side "what's wrong" I try to speak but the fire burns more, I cry in pain.

"You need to feed" She said before talking my hand in hers, sparks swarming inside my stomach. My core pulsating with desire for her, even though I don't want her near me my body still acts like this.

Ugh I am so confused!

I over come with desire and want for her and her goddess like body. A moan slips from my lips and I look up from our tangled hands to see Nell shocked before blushing and giggling.

I pout, great she probably knows what I was thinking of her, great just great. -note sarcasm- OMG KILL ME NOW!
She finally composes her self and she takes off running pulling me along with her.

"Come on" she giggles smiling at me, looking like a model. With ever step I feel the dirt on my bare feet squishing into the fallen leaves and moss. The wind in my face makes me smile as I let go of her hand and take off faster lovingly the feeling of the wind in my hair and the smell of the forest.

I laugh as I push myself harder my feet feeling like they aren't even touching the ground half the time.
"Woo hoo" I giggle only to run into something the air leaving my lungs. Only to have arms wrap around my waist. Sparks erupting through out my body. Before I can even think of what I am doing.

Nell back is against a tree and I take her face in my hand and I connect my lips to hers kissing her passionately. Almost immediately Nell's arms wrap around my neck pull my body even closer to her.

Suddenly visions of Master evil eyes as he ripped off my clothes and bet me, flash through my eyes.

"No" I cry pulling away, Nell she didn't save me from him. "You didn't save me Nell" I say closing my eyes only to see Master grabbing my wrists as he forces himself into me.

"Shhh I came as soon as I could, shhhh babe I would do anything for you"Nell coos enveloping me in a hug calming me down just with her touch and soft voice. I could hear her heart break and sorrow in her voice.

My sniffles start to stop and I notice my head is resting on her right boob. I blush stepping out and away from her. Awkward!

"Let's hunt" Nellian said happily and I nod my hunger becoming almost painful. My body becoming alert and the fire in my throat flaming to life at the mention of hunting.

I nod biting my lip she takes my hand starting to walk through the forest. We walk through the forest floor slowly until she stops.

"Stand here" she says moving me into where she was standing. Suddenly I turn ridged I smell the breeze and bite my lip my animal side wanting to come out.

I slowly follow the sent trying really hard not to go crazy. "Its okay let yourself over to it Anna" Nellian says giving me some room.

"Close your eyes" I close my eyes and i see a glimpse of a deer eating some wold grass. My eyes snap open and I sniff my way to my unknowing victim.

Nellian's P.O.V

I watch her eyes snap open her eyes red with want and hunger for blood. I back away a little, wanting to give her space. Letting her know I am not a threat.

And then she is off running and all I could do was admire her delicious body as she ran

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