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Nellian's P.O.V.

Savannah collapses and I give a strangled scream. I rush over to Savannah and find her unconscious in a pool of blood.

"Savannah!" I cry, shaking her. "Please wake up. Don't die on me!" I smooth her hair away from her face as tears out of my eyes and down my cheeks.

Wait, I say to myself, still shaking with sobs, get a grip on yourself. Take a deep breath in and out. I try and take deep breaths to calm myself down so I can think of something to do that will help Savannah while I we wait for Mia's Fiancé Robert and his sister, Evangleine. I look over Savannah's beautiful body and stop at her cuts. I should clean the cuts.

I lean down and kiss her on the head lightly. I walk to the door and take a look over my shoulder at Savannah. I then poke my head out the door and cry, "Thyme! Please come, I need you!" I hear footsteps running down the hallway and soon Thyme appears.

"Yes, Mistress?" she asks, her eyes turning concerned as she takes in my dishevelled appearance then to horror as she sees Savannah. "Oh my god, what's happened to Savannah?" she asks her hand fluttering to her mouth, tears forming in her eyes.

I shake my head and quickly run my fingers under my eyes. "Thyme. . . Listen, I need you to go to the kitchen and bring me a glass of water, a bowl of lukewarm water, two pieces of cloth and scissors."

"Yes, Mistress," Thyme says, taking one last fleeting glance Savannah then rushes off to the kitchen.

I pull one of my plush gold arm chairs over next to the bed and collapse into it. I take hold of Savannah's bloody hand and press my forehead against it.

I don't realise how much has passed till I hear Thyme soft footfalls coming into the room. I lift my head and stand up. Thyme places everything down on a coffee table and pulls it over to Savannah. I place my hand on her arm and she looks up at me, startled.

"Thank you, Thyme," I say. "For everything. Mia and Robert and his sister will be here any minute. Would you mind waiting out the front to lead them into this room when they come?"

Thyme nods. "Of course, Mistress Nellian." With that, she curtseys and walks out of the room.

I pick up a piece of cloth and dip it into the water. Just as I am about to clean her face, my phone rings. I quickly lay down the cloth and bring the phone to my ear.
"Mia?" I say breathlessly into the phone.

"No, it's me, Nellian," I hear Robert's voice come through the speaker. "What on Earth is the matter? Mia calls up saying that we need to come over right away but with no reason why."

"Savannah is now unconscious in a pool of blood on my bed!" I cry into the phone, my voice breaking on the word 'unconscious'.

There is a pause on the other end with some shouting in the background. "Right, Nel, we are about 3 minutes away. We're going as fast as we can. We'll see you soon." The line disconnects and I slowly lower the phone.

My hand trembles as I pick up the cloth and gently press it against the cut along her throat. I wipe away blood mixed with my tears. Suddenly, Savannah gasps, her back arching but her eyes stay closed.

"Savannah," I whisper. "Savannah, can u hear me?"

Her body starts twitching. Fingers clenching and un-clenching, head turning from side to side, causing the blood to flow down her neck. All at once, Thyme bursts in with Mia and Robert with Evangleine, his sister, in tow.

I stand up and stumble into to Mia's arms. "Oh, thank god you're here," I half mumble, half cry. "Savannah is doing weird things and I don't understand!" With that, I break down in hysterics.

Mia holds me, patting my hair and whispering words that I don't hear. After a few minutes Mia gently turns me around and I see Savannah's body is still and pale.

"Savannah!" I shriek and throw my body over to hers, pushing Robert out of the way on the process. "Robert! What's happening?"

He looks down at me sadly, his medical stuff on the bed. He leans down and grips me by the tops of my shoulders. "Nellian," he says softly, morosely. "Savannah has just gone into a coma, her body and brain going into shut down...

There is no way to get her out of it. He forcibly marked her, his toxins are attracting her antibodies. After 48 hours, she will. . ." he hesitates and I already know what the answer is going to be. "She will die."

I sod uncontrollably into Savannah's body. "Is t-there anyth-thing I can d-d-d-o?" I hiccup from all the crying and look up at Robert.

"Yes but it's dangerous," he says, tears in his eyes. "The only way she is to survive is by. . . turning her into one of us. A vampire."

Hi guys I hope you like this chapter so yeah. Follow me and I'll follow back!

This is where I stopped writing... Would you guys like me to complete and rewrite this story??

I am now on ask.fm- at TAllie_Jayne!!! Show you support and questions their as well

Bye bye!!


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