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Pic of Miss Mia>>>>>>

Savannahs P.O.V

I am about to go check on Mistress when Thyme runs past me, "Thyme what's wrong" I say running after her.

"Mistress and the Master are having guests over... we need to get the guest chambers ready" she says stopping and turning towards me.

"And where have you been??? I have been looking all over for you...Never mind"

"Who is coming??" I say wondering who could be so important...

"Mistresses friend Miss Mia and some family friends" she said pulling me along with her!!! The mystery Mia that was on the phone when Nellian was expressing her love about someone, some power Vampire guy!!! Can't wait to meet her...

As Thyme and I finish the 4 guest rooms, Lily who is one of Masters Slaves runs into the room "they are here!!" She said grabbing some of the cleaning supplies and placing them in the cupboard.

We ran down stairs and lined up like we did when Mistress Nellian arrived. Mistress Nellian and Master C..... Where there dress very formally, and opened the double doors with late smiles on there faces, 3 women entered and where closely followed by 2 men.

I watched as Nellian's smile grew and she hugged a girl with red hair, "I have missed you so much Mia" she said before welcoming her other guests.

We were dismissed and Mia and Nell ran upstairs together. Must want to talk about boys... I sigh and I decide to fold the washing.

Nellian's P.O.V

I take Mia's hand and run to my room... OMG my bestest friend in the world is finally here!!! I close the door and I huge her again, "OMG, Nell was that her??" She said pulling away with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes" I say shyly.

"She is so pretty and those purple speckled brown eyes are to die for..." She said smiling.

"Hey Mia, I called dibs" I say pouting.

"Hey, I know and I am just teasing" she said poking her tongue out... We ended up talking for what seemed hours about me, her and she had a lot of questions about Savannah.

"So??" She said crossing sitting up on my bed.

"So???? What?????" I ask crossing my legs.

"Is she straight, bi, pan, Lesbian??" She said as if I was stupid.

"How should I know" I said plopping down onto my bed.

"I am going to find out" she said jumping up and out the door before I could even think of what she just said. I run after her, No she is going to embarrass me to Savannah....I am going to kill Me... Not really kill, oh you know what I mean.

Savannah's P.O.V

I finish the folding and the ironing, should I go up and see if Nellian and Mia need anything, I turn around and Mia runs up to me... "Hey, you must be Savannah" she said smiling.

"Yes.... Do you need anything miss??" I ask a little shocked she knows my name..

"No, I just wanna talk"


So...What do you think????

love Allie <3

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