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'One day neither Mia or Nell will be able to interfere'

His voice kept replaying in my head, Even when he left my room I couldn't shake what just happened... Three words... I am scared!!!

"So..." Mia chimed trying to cheer me up, but stop. "He was looking for you all day... He kept asking everyone Me and even Thyme"

I sat on my bed, "Mia what would have happened if you didn't interrupt and Nell has to go on a hunting trip, I won't be safe from him" I say my voice full of fear, anxiety, and scared.

"Nell will never let that happen" she said sitting next to me. As soon as she sits down, I pull myself Up from the bed "I have chores to do" and without another word I left my room and Mia inside it.


I pull the bucket towards me and soak my scrubbing brush in the soap water, I sigh and scrub the floor fiercely.

'One day neither Mia or Nell will be able to interfere'

I jerk up looking around the room, ok now I am going messed up in the head. I whip the sweat off my forehead with my hand and scrub the rest of the floor.

I stand up and pick up the bucket and tip it out the window disposing the dirty water. I turn around and almost die of a heart attack.

"OMG Thyme don't do that to me" I shout at her, only for her to laugh even more. I roll my eyes and cross my arms waiting for her to finish her 'little' giggle.

"You should have seen your face" Thyme said only to start laughing again.

"Ha ha ha" I say sarcastically picking up my bucket and storming out of the room.

"Oh come on, Savannah it was just a joke" she said running after me. She finally caught up to me and pull me into the closest room which was a linen cupboard.

"How was your day??" She asked after closing the door and turning to me smiling.

"Well it started off great..." I stay smiling like a idiot

"Well what happened??" She said eagerly.

"She likes me" I scream jumping up and down forgetting what had happened with Master.

"OMG" she screams and hugs me "sooooo..." She said pulling away.

"We started kiss, and things.... 'Escalated'" I say blushing madly.

"Get in there Anna" Thyme nudges me before giggling. "Them what"

"Master turned up" I say my smile fading as I remember how he ruins everything.

"What!!!!" She screamed

"He was looking for me, and i hide in Mistresses wardrobe"

"Yea, he asked me serval times if I knew of your whereabouts"

"Well after he left, Nell got me some new clothes..." I blush again and then continue "and we went for a 'walk' and Nell took me to a beautiful meadow and lake." I say sighing happily at the romantic and amazing memory.

"Ohhhhh" Thyme said smiling.

"Then we were sitting down in the flowers where she asked me...."

"Asked you what???" Thyme basically screamed jumping up and down.

"If I wanted to be...."

The door suddenly swung open to reveal Lily "Savannah..."

"Yea Lil??" I say my bad mood coming back.

"Mistress wants to see you, in her chamber...."


Bonjour loyal readers

Anyway what did you guys think????



~Love Allie

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