Journal Entry 5

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Hi. I'm Harry. Thought you would like to know my name. Now that we are over introductions, I would like to point out that no, I most definitely did NOT go snooping in mine and Louis' room for this specific journal. I just happened to have stuck my hand inside his pillowcase and his underwear drawer and happened to come across the specific key and journal. No relationship or coincidence.

Anyways, Lou will probably be pissed that I looked through this, but hey. I simply just wish to defend my case. You see, Louis tends to stretch the truth of his romanciness (is that a word? Oh well I'm writing in pen anyways) and our undying love story. He is such a sap, and if you bring it up to him, he'll probably end up just slitting your throat. Okay off-topic, Although I was the Romeo in our star-crossed love affairs.

I was the one who would bring him the roses, and I was the one that cooked the dinners (aside from the ever-famous chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in Parma-ham with a side of home-made mash) but he seemed to leave that bit out didn't he? The cocky bastard.

Not to mention, I was the one to kiss HIM first, not the other way around. But that can easily get lost in translation can't it? ... Never mind don't answer that. We both know I'm just talking out of my ass now, so I'll leave you to read his bullsh- I mean side of the story.

Well, once Louis finds that I've written in here, he probably will be pissed, and I'll probably have to "accidentally" find his new hiding spot (which will most likely be the short cabinets, of which he knows I have trouble bending to look through. The bastard.Not that I'm old... Just not as flexible as I used to be. Although I can get preeetty flexible at times. If you catch my drift. wink wink.)

Well until next time my friend.

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